Challenging Primal Dialga Part I

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     Silver huffed as she ran after her friends after she had just defeated a Porygon, however, she had unfortunately angered its friends, and they were all attacking her with, unfortunately, electric attacks.
     "Silver! Hurry!" The distant voice of Alithea shouted, and Silver huffed out as her legs were taking her across the tenth floor of the Temporal Spire.
     Silver looked over her shoulder as she shot a Hydro Pump behind her at the incoming Porygon, which stopped it in its tracks, and caused it to begin to wipe at its eyes.
     Silver huffed again as she felt her stamina ebbing as she turned the corner, and spotted her friends Aqua, the Eevee, Alithea, the Fennekin, and Bubbles, the Popplio.
     She grinned to herself, and as she entered the room, she felt an electric shock shoot through her legs. She screamed out as she fell forward, and rolled across the ground as her friends gasped as the group of Porygon that had been pursuing her filed into the room.
     Aqua shot forward and grabbed her friend and pulled her back as quick as she could as Alithea and Bubbles jumped into action.
     Alithea spun her hands in a circular motion before deeply inhaling.
     "Mystical... Fire!" She shouted, and right after, she let out a powerful breath of air from her lungs, and it unleashed the fire onto the group of Pokèhumans.
     Bubbles jumped a few steps forward before holding out her arms as her long golden hair swayed around her ankles.
     "Hyper Voiiiiiiiiiice!" Bubbles shouted as she let out a loud shriek, pushing back the group of Pokèmon into the wall.
A few of the Porygon stayed down, but a few others shook themselves out, and stood back up as they let out growls at the two Pokèmon who had dared to stand against them for attacking their Mudkip friend.
However, Aqua stood up and she rushed over to Alithea and Bubbles, and stood in between the two as several stars began to form around the Eevee girl as she held out her arm.
"Swift!" She called, and the stars swirling around her shot out like bullets toward the group of Porygon that was able to continue fighting, and when the move made contact, it stirred up a dust cloud, and after it had cleared itself, the last of the battling Porygon were down for the count.
The trio cheered out as they did a triple high-five.
"Good work, team!" Alithea said, and Aqua chuckled, flicking one of her brown Eevee ears.
"Isn't that Silver's phrase?" She asked, and Alithea shrugged as she chuckled herself.
"Yeah, but unfortunately, she isn't conscious right now to say so." She said, and Aqua shrugged back at Alithea.
"Touchè." She said before looking behind her shoulder at the unconscious Mudkip girl behind them.
"Speaking of her..." She said, and walked over to the girl, and put her hand under her head, and Bubbles knelt down to the Mudkip girl's side, and began to rummage through the bag on her side, and after a moment, she grabbed an Oran Berry and a Cheri Berry before giving the girl a soft shake.
"Silver..?" She whispered, and after a moment, the Mudkip stirred after a moment, and cracked open her eyes.
"Ow... Ugh, my shins..." She grumbled as she leant upward and began to rub her shins, trying to soothe the pain coursing through them.
Bubbles chuckled as she nudged the girl with the two berries she had fished out of her bag.
"Here, Sil." She said, and Silver smiled lightly as she grabbed the Oran Berry first, and slowly but surely ate down the blue berry, and after that, the Cheri Berry, and after she had finished that Berry, she smiled as she maneuvered her legs as Aqua stood back up, and helped Silver back up to her feet as Silver began to dust off her shorts.
After Silver finished cleaning the dust from her clothing, she turned around nd faced the stairs that lead to their destination.
The Temporal Pinnacle.
Bubbles and Aqua exchanged nervous glances as Silver pressed her lips firmly together as she and Alithea also exchanged glances, however theirs were grim.
Their thoughts were the same. If they managed to defeat what lies ahead...
Silver sighed after a moment, willing herself to not think about the consequences of their victory, so she turned to her friends as she took a step upward upon one of the stairs.
"Are you ready...?" She asked, and Bubbles began to wring her hands, her Popplio ears dropping into her long golden hair.
"I... don't know. Is it too late to... go back...?" She whispered, her voice barely audible.
Aqua looked over at Bubbles, her eyes filled with worry, but they were stern.
"Bubbles, listen to yourself." She said. "We've come too far to turn back now."
Alithea nodded, her Fennekin ears flicking with the tiny breeze that was flowing throughout the Tower.
"Yes." She said, and she turned and put her hands on the little Popplio's shoulders.
"I understand you're scared, Bubbles. We all are." She said, taking a moment to look back at Silver, but she turned back to Bubbles. "However, think of the Pokèmon in the future. They deserve to experience the life they never but should've had. Think of Grovyle. We can't let his sacrifice go in vain."
     Bubbles nodded grimly at the memories of the future, and how dark and bleak it was, and she flicked one of her Popplio ears. "'re right. Grovyle didn't sacrifice his help to us to take Dusknoir back to the future for us to abort our mission at the last moment." She said, her voice growing strong. "We has to carry on. For Grovyle's sake. For the People and Pokèmon of the future." She said, and she was quiet for a quick moment before holding out her arm, as if suggesting hands in the middle.
     Silver smiled to herself before putting her own hand atop Bubble's. "For the future!" She said, and Aqua smiled as well.
"For the future!" She said, putting her hand atop Silver and Bubble's, and the trio looked over at Alithea.
Alithea was still for a moment before nodding and putting her hand atop the rest of the group's.
"For the future." She said, and the quadrio nodded at each other as they took back their limbs, and they all turned up to the staircase, and Silver took in a breath and let it out as she began to walk up the steps, and shortly after, she heard the sound of stepping, signalizing her friends had began to follow her up the stairs.
     She let out another quiet sigh as she looked back upwards, and kept up her pace as she began to make her way up the stairs to the top of Temporal Tower.

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