Challenging Primal Dialga Part II

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   The Sky Explorers all howled war cries as they rushed forward at the corrupted Keeper of Time, beginning to charge up different moves; Alithea, Mystical Fire, Silver, Mud Slap, Aqua, Flail, and Bubbles, Sparkling Aria.
     However, Dialga acted quickly. The tall humanoid glowed a light red as he lifted himself out of the range of their attacks, leaving him unscathed.
     His bloody red eyes glared daggers at the young explorers as he put himself gracefully back onto the tiles of Temporal Tower before grabbing his scepter with both of his hands as he inhaled, and he slammed his scepter onto the tiles of Temporal Tower as he let out a mighty howl, which caused a blue energy wave to emit from his body, which was his signature move, Roar of Time, which shoved the Sky Explorers to the ground upon contact with them.
(Note- Dialga's scream here is his in-game cry. It could be either before the remaster in X and Y or after, but I imagine the X and Y one here. ^^)
     Bubbles was the first to get back up, which was to be expected, since she was a rather defensive Pokèmon. Then Silver, then Alithea, then Aqua.
      Silver shook her head quickly to clear it, and she refocused. She stared at Dialga, who had taken steps back before pausing and doing nothing else.
     The Mudkip girl glared at the tall blue-haired male as she crouched to the ground, feeling her light blue belt rub against her right hip before she bunched the muscles in her legs and leaping forward.
     "Mud Slap!" She yelled, and Dialga's eyes widened as he went to counter it with a move, however, since he was on recharge from Roar of Time, Silver was able to easily get the move off, dealing a good amount against the Wielder of Time, and he growled like an untamed animal as Silver immediately jumped backwards to rejoin her friends.
     Bubbles bounded forward a few steps.
     "Hyper Voice!" She shouted, and she let out a loud screech as the move commenced, and right before it made contact with Dialga, the move turned from a light gray to a light blue, Bubble's Liquid Voice ability kicking in, causing it to more than normal since it was now Bubbles's Same Typing Attack Boost, or STAB for short, and shortly after, Alithea and Aqua attacked together.
     "Mystical Fire!"
     "Quick Attack!"
     Aqua attacked first, and quickly smashed into Dialga with her attack before quickly retreating before he could hit her with anything, and Alithea quickly created a fiery circle around herself, and launched the fires at the humanoid Pokèmon.
    Dialga, though still disoriented from Hyper Voice and Quick Attack, stepped back quickly, and created a light red shield to protect himself from Mystical Fire, which caused the move to hit the shield, leaving him unhurt from Alithea's attack.
     Dialga quickly balanced himself out before shaking his head and glaring at the Sky Explorers before glowing a light purple, which caused rocks to materialize around him, and he pointed forward, which caused the rocks to fly at a breakneck speed, and they quickly smashed into Alithea.
     The Fennekin yowled when Dialga's move made contact, which sent her flying backward and caused her to roll across the sandy colored tiles of the Temporal Pinnacle.
     Bubbles looked back at her friend, horrified as she turned around and ran to her aid as Silver and Aqua battled on.
     "Blizzard!" Silver called, and she glowed an icy blue before letting out the move. Dialga stepped back, and protected himself with his arms as the ice move courses around his body, which caused a few icicles to form on his clothing.
     "Swift!" Aqua called, which caused glowing white stars to form around the Eevee girl, and she growled as she let the move go.
     However, Dialga's eyes glowed a deeper red, which gleamed from behind his icicle-ridden sleeves, and he created another shield, however, when Swift hit the barrier, it instead bounced back, and it made direct contact with the Eevee girl.
     "Aqua!" Silver's cried as the Eevee girl was shot back from beside her, and she slid across the gritty roof of Dialga's domain.
     Silver's eyes widened as she snapped her head back to the Time Keeper, who was mere feet away from her.
     Where he was readying a move.
     His face stayed stone cold as he gripped his scepter with one hand, Dragon Claw glowing inside of the scepter, and before Silver could react and get out of the way, Dialga slashed his scepter across Silver's chest, which sent her flying back with Aqua.
     She gasped in shock and deep pain as she slid across the Tower, and she laid still, her limbs and chest aching as her vision swam in and out as her breathing slowed as she felt something thick and warm on her upper body. She heard her friends' frantic voices and a deep chuckle from Dialga in her fading hearing, and she felt two pairs of arms grab her weakened body.
     "Psychic!" She heard Alithea call, and Silver heard the Psychic-type move hit something, Dialga grunting, and Aqua's voice. 
     "Hurry, she needs a Reviver Seed stat! Alithea!"
     "I'm on it! Someone fight in my place!"
     "I'll do it!"
     Silver felt one pair of arms remove themselves from her body as she heard someone else kneel down beside her, and the sound of rummaging through her bag.
     She felt someone's hair brush across her face.
     "Silver, give us a sign you're okay!" The pleading voice of Aqua sounded from the painful abyss, in which shortly after, she heard Bubbles using Sparkling Aria, and it made contact, but not with Dialga since Silver heard something evaporate.
     Everything hurt, but Silver managed to twitch her fingers as she heard Dialga roar loudly, in where she felt the arms holding her be removed, and she felt an odd 'whooshing' sensation fly over her, and she cracked open her eyes, and she weakly lifted her head.
     Dialga was staring at something, but it wasn't her. She did her best to turn around whilst laying down, but she cringed a little when she felt the pain in her chest reignite, and she felt blood from her upper body drip onto the ground.
     When Silver's vision cleared, she saw her friends sprawled across the ground.
     A Reviver Seed laid a little ways from her, and she heard Dialga chuckle from behind her, and she heard her friends grunt as she heard another small 'woosh' sound from behind her, signaling Dialga was about to make another move.
     Silver growled to herself as she immediately forced herself up, snatched up the Reviver Seed, ate it down quickly, and felt the pain in her body cease as she mainly felt the deep gash in her chest heal.
     She grinned as she jumped up, whipped around, and faced Dialga as he let loose his next move, Ancient Power, in where she responded with Water Pulse.
     "S-Silver!" She heard Aqua say from behind her, and Silver looked behind herself, and saw the little Eevee had propped herself up on her elbows.
     "Hey." She said as she held out her hands to her friends, in which they happily took.
     Silver took a quick bite of an Oran Berry as everyone steadied themselves out before they all faced Dialga.
     "We're not finished yet!" Silver yelled, in which her friends backed her up with cries of their own.
     Dialga glared icily at the explorer group, and returned with a snarl.
     Silver looked behind herself at the group.
     "Stick with your Ranged Attacks!" She called. "It's more dangerous to fight up close!"
     The Sky Explorers nodded vigorously, and made sounds of agreement.
     Silver turned back to face the front.
     "Alright!" She called before spinning her hands around each other in a circular motion.
     "Rock Slide!" She called, and she threw the band of rocks at Dialga.
     "Psychic!" Alithea called as she glowed a light purple, and laughed the psychic wave at Dialga, pushing him back, but not enough to knock him over.
     "Energy Ball!" Bubbles yelled, and she materialized the green orb, and the launched it at the Time Keeper, in which hit him in the abdomen, but Dialga still stayed up.
     Aqua growled to herself.
     "If were going to defeat Primal Dialga, we need to band our moves together into one big move!" Aqua pointed out, and Silver nodded.
     "Yeah..! If we keep attacking individually, He's not going down any time soon, and we need to finish him now! Time is of the essence!" She said, and the other explorers nodded quickly before Bubbles, Aqua, and Alithea stood beside Silver, and they glowed with different respective moves.
     Aqua glowed with Swift.
     Silver, with Blizzard.
     Bubbles glowed with Sparkling Aria
     And Alithea glowed brightly with Mystical Fire.
     As seconds past the quadrio glowed brighter, and Dialga glared harshly at them before gripping his scepter, his body glowing as he began to channel his inner powers to start Roar of Time once again.
     "NOW!" Silver yelled, and the group all howled as they all pointed forward, their moves binding together, and though Dialga did his best to counter, the power of all four moves was too much for him, and it shoved him to the ground as ice materialized around Dialga's body.
     After a moment, his gleaming red eyes snapped open, and he growled at the Sky Explorers as he tried to pull himself back up, but he grunted as he fell to the ground, defeated.
     The Sky Explorers breathed heavily as their hearts beat quickly as they stared down at Primal Dialga, who was knocked out on the ground in front of them.
     "We... we did it..!" Aqua breathed, and Bubbled grinned excitedly.
     But before they could celebrate, the ground under their feet shook horribly.
     "Wah!" Silver cried, and Aqua nodded quickly before anyone could say anything.
     "It's time!" She said before rushing forward, hopping over Dialga's body, and up the stairs to the altar as the Tower shook again.
     "These tremors are getting worse!" Alithea cried as Silver was silent.
     'Temporal Tower must be getting closer to complete collapse!' She thought to herself as Aqua grabbed her satchel, and grabbed a Time Gear from it as the ground near the other three began to crack apart.
     "Gah! Hurry, Aqua!" Bubbles cried as she hugged Alithea for support again.
     "I'm trying!" Aqua responded, trying her best to place in another Time Gear. "The floor is heaving, though! It's hard to put them in correctly!"
    Silver gasped as she took a step away from the side as the crack near her feet got worse as stones began to fall away from Temporal Tower.
    After a moment, Aqua's voice was heard over the loud tremors.
    "I've got it!" She cried as she gripped the farthest Time Gear, and heaved as she began to make them turn.
     After a moment, they began to turn on their own, and the entire altar glowed a light turquoise, and it gave off a bright flash, which sent Aqua tumbling down the stairs backwards, in where Silver caught her before anything bad could happen.
     The Sky Explorers stared at the altar as the ground under them continued to quake.
     Aqua stared at the altar in terrified confusion. "What..?! I put the Time Gears where they're supposed to go! Why aren't the tremors stopping?!"
     Silver looked at her friend, feeling the same horror.
     "I... I don't know!" Silver cried as Bubble's eyes teared up. 
     "We're we... too late?" She asked. "Will Temporal Tower still collapse?"
     "Oh, Bubbles! Don't say that!" Alithea said, but before she could encourage her friend, the altar glowed brighter than it had ever before, which caused lightning bolts from the clouds above the Tower to strike down around them.
     "Look out!" Silver cried, but before anything could be done, the bright light from the altar swallowed her vision, leaving her in a completely white void.


     "Stop, Bubbles. She's coming to."
     Silver's head pounded as she slowly regained consciousness. She took in a deep breath before opening her grass green eyes and seeing her three friends and fellow explorers.
     She smiled weakly before pushing herself up out of a laying down position and stood up, and pushed some of her gold hair from her face.
     "W-where..." Silver croaked, but she trailed off, but before she could ask, she got an answer.
     "This is... Temporal Tower."
     The Sky Explorers gasped when they heard an all-too familiar deep voice, and they all whirled around, and there Dialga was.
     However, he was much different now.
     Instead of orange hair streaks and robe lining, they had all turned into silver, and the red gem in his scepter had turned blue. His red eyes weren't foggy anymore, and eyes where anger once inhabited, wisdom now resides.
     Dialga was back.
     However, Alithea, Bubbles, and Aqua took defensive positions, and Alithea began to charge Shadow Ball.
     "Wait!" Silver cried, and Alithea stopped at her friend's cry, and Dialga nodded solemnly.
     "You all have no reason for alarm." Dialga said, his loud, wise voice booming around us. "I have regained my reason."
     "What..?" Aqua asked, and Dialga looked at the ruins around him, his long blue hair swaying around him.
     "Temporal Tower has taken hefty damage, but it has survived." He said, and Silver covered her mouth with a hand.
     "We... we did it!" Silver said, and the Sky Explorers went crazy, and hugged each other all at once.
     They heard Dialga chuckle in amusement behind them, and they all faced him once again.
     "Now, observe." Dialga said as he raised his staff, his body glowing before it channeled into the staff, and the blue gem inside of it glowed brightly, engulfing them all.
     After a moment, the Sky Explorers' vision returned to them, and they looked around to see a large forest around them, life bustling around them.
     Alithea gasped excitedly, which wasn't common from her.
     "It's Treeshroud Forest!" She said as she looked around. "But... it's not like when we went there! Time has started moving again here!"
     However, shortly after she said that, their surroundings faded away, and they were standing upon a dirt road with well-kept grass, and many familiar stores around them.
     Aqua grinned excitedly. "It's Treasure Town!" She said as she saw everyone regarding each other with hugs and friendly greetings.
     "Everyone looks so happy!" Bubbles pointed out, and Aqua nodded quickly before that scenery faded away, and now they were standing on the Old Ruins, where the group found the Rainbow Stoneship...
     And lost Grovyle.
     Silver teared up when she saw the area, but she looked up, and she saw a horribly beaten and torn apart Temporal Tower.
     But it was still standing.
     Silver took a step forward. "It's... Temporal Tower. It looks badly damaged, but it's still standing! It didn't collapse!" She said excitedly, and with that, the old ruins faded away, and the group were back on the horribly damaged domain of Dialga.
     Dialga regarded the group of explorers. "Temporal Tower has survived the crisis. Time has begun to flow properly again, and thus, time has resumed where it had stopped." He said as he took a step forward.
     "And because you saved Temporal Tower from falling to ruin, the planet's paralysis has been prevented." He said, smiling kindly. "The world's peace has been restored."
     Bubbles grinned excitedly. "We... really did it! We saved the world!" She said, and Dialga nodded.
     "Please, allow me to thank you." He said, and the explorer group faced Dialga.
     "Thank you for reaching the Hidden Land." He said, locking eyes with each explorer for at least five seconds.
     "You all had the courage to stand up to me, even as I raged out of control. You all prevented the Tower from falling into ruin in the nick of time." Dialga said before bowing.
     "Thank you. All of this, I owe to you." He said before looking around at the ravaged building around him. "However, not everything is back as it should yet. It will take time for Temporal Tower to recover."
     Dialga looked off the side of Temporal Tower, toward the Hidden Land, which was also a complete mess.
     "The Hidden Land, too, had been ravaged, but the Rainbow Stoneship should still be operable, and Lapras should be awaiting your return." Dialga said, and the Sky Explorers all nodded.
     "Alright," Bubbles said excitedly. "Let's go home."

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