The Uncanny Date

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Context- Yours truly long ago stalked a conversation on a friend's art book (its amazing, go check it out. And yes I'm plugging it), and I saw these few responses;

 And yes I'm plugging it), and I saw these few responses;

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And I thought- "Hey, that would be fun to do. Mwuhaha~"


     "Ugh.... wha... what happened...?"
     Damian groaned as he finally came to. His head hurt unlike anything he had felt before, and he whimpered slightly as he let his head loll back on the chair he was sitting on, against the white collar of his black shirt, and he closed his eyes, in an attempt to soothe his migraine.
     Damian's head snapped back up, and he looked down at himself.
     He was in a black tuxedo, and nice black dress shoes.
     Damian stared at his new attire in shock and confusion as to how he got into them as he continued to look around, his eyes scanning his surroundings.
     He was in a really fancy place; a restaurant according to the assortment of tables and chairs surrounding him. The walls were an indigo-black color, and the drapes were a crimson red.
     Damian grunted as he tried to shift himself around, but he stopped as he felt something on his wrists and ankles. He dared to look down, and his breathing intensified in response. 
     He was bound to the seat by strange ropes; but they weren't knotted like normal. It was skillfully done; it seemed whoever had him in their clutches really didn't want him escaping.
     Damian clenched his eyes shut, and shook his head, racking his brain for a possible explanation to how he got here.
     The last things he remembered was hanging out by himself by a river, and a small teen female walked up to him, and sat down next to him. The girl asked him how he was, in where he responded he was fine. He felt uncomfortable with her there, and he did his best to try and get out of there. She seemed to pick up on his discomfort, and did her best to dismiss all of his worries, and shortly after, she told him she had a... surprise for him.
     Then she attacked him, then after that, everything went black, and here he was.
     She wore a moderate blue sweater, gray pants, and black shoes. She was pale, had striking green eyes, and large poofy hair.
     Damian's eyes widened in horror as he remembered that small detail.
     Where was she?
     He needed an explanation.
     Damian's mind ran a mile a minute as he tried to think of why he was here. The room stayed deathly silent, until he heard the soft clacking of heels against a hard floor.
     "Oh! You're finally awake, Dami!"
     Damian gasped as he heard a familiar feminine voice sound in his hearing from the dark dining room.
     His head snapped up, and his pupils dilated as he saw a familiar mid-teen female walk into his sight.
     She was wearing an indigo blue dress. It was fancy; it was moderately fluffy, shimmery, though not showy, and it had shoulder-exposing sleeves.
     The girl was pale, green eyed, and had fluffy, curled chocolate brown hair.
     Damian's heart began to beat at an incredible rate.
     "A-Angelica?" He asked, and the female smiled radiantly down at him.
     "Hello, there." She said. "I've been waiting for you to wake up all day. Though, you've woken up at the perfect time!"
     Damian raised an eyebrow nervously.
     "E-eh?" He whispered, and Angelica smiled happily.
     "It's about six-thirty." She said. "The usual time for a date to start!"
     Damian's heart stopped at that last little bit.
     "...what...?!" He asked.
     A... date?!
     Paranoia began to set in Damian's mind as his leaf-green eyes looked into Angelica's forest-green eyes.
     Though, instead of the soft warmth they normally held, there was something else, though Damian couldn't put a finger on it.
     "Angelica... what's going on?" He finally asked. "Are... you okay?"
     Angelica cocked her head to the side.
     "Of course, Damian, my dear." She said. "Why wouldn't I be?"
     Damian shivered uncomfortably at the pet name, 'dear'.
     He felt he should be flattered a girl called him that, but in this circumstance, it felt... wrong.
     Damian tried to look brave.
     "Angelica, tell me what's going on!" He demanded, giving his voice a boost, trying to hide his fear and confusion. "Please, let me go!"
     Angelica frowned. "I'm so sorry I had to tie you to the chair, my dearest Damian." She said. "But it was necessary, since you would've most likely run away when I wasn't in this room with you."
     Then, Angelica's frown turned into a genuinely happy smile. "Though, I'll gladly explain what's going on." She said.
     She cleared her throat. "Well, I had noticed you had been... stressed out a lot lately. I've tried to be there for you, but you only pushed me away." She said sadly, and Damian felt a pang of sadness in his chest as he looked downward.
     Yeah, he was avoiding her.
     Yes, on purpose.
     It's... complicated.
     Damian felt Angelica's warm index finger underneath his chin, and she tilted his head upwards, forcing his gaze to meet hers.
     Though, instead of the soft warmth that was present earlier, what was behind it was showing, which made Damian's pupils dilate again.
     "But... you've started hanging out with Nora over me." She said, her sadness slowly hardening into bitterness before her saddened eyes slowly transformed into something darker.
     And from that, Damian finally understood what else the girl felt.
     ...and Jealousy.
     Damian's heart pounded in his chest as the female towering over him looked down at him with pure scorn.
     "Why do you go from coming to me, the one person who helped you convince your step mother that you were capable of raising a Pokèmon, and saving your life on multiple occasions, to her, who makes fun of you every day, could care less if you died tomorrow, and even better, told you off for no reason in the library, suddenly become your priority?!" She hissed. "What does Nora, of all people, have what I don't?!"
      Damian shrunk back as he pondered the question.
     Nora has been talking to him about Angelica. She feared she wasn't as good as she projected herself as, and she was doing her best to explain where she was coming from.
     But that wasn't what came from the boy's mouth.
      "I... I don't know-" he began, but Angelica's facial expression bit back into an angry snarl, which shut him up immediately.
     "Wrong answer." She spat.
     And with that, Angelica raised her hand to her shoulder, and slapped her hand across Damian's face.
     Damian let out a shocked and pained gasp as her hand made contact with his cheek, and her sparkling indigo blue fingernails scored through the flesh on his cheek, causing blood to fly from the wound, and splatter on the floor as more began to gently flow from the fresh wound.
     Damian clenched his eyes and teeth shut and hissed in pain from where Angelica's hand hit home. Pained tears pricked in his eyes, and since he didn't have his hands available to put pressure on his stinging cheek, he couldn't put pressure on his cheek to soothe the pain, so he did his best not to focus on the sharp pain in his right cheek.
     From his temporarily darkened world, the boy heard Angelica growl in anger.
     Though, shortly after, he heard a soft gasp escape the female's lips.
     "O-oh my!" He heard her say, her voice growing frantic. "I-I'm so sorry!"
     Damian's eyes snapped open in confusion as he felt the pain in his face ebb, and he saw Angelica rummaging through her pocketbook, and she pulled out a small container, and when she opened it, she removed an alcoholic wipe from it, placed in on the empty table close to him, and she placed it on his bleeding cheek.
     Damian cringed as he felt a sharp stinging feeling erupt in his cheek, but it quickly ebbed away as Angelica began to gingerly draw the sheet across his cheek, causing it to absorb the blood, and successfully clean the wound that was inflicted on his face.
     Damian raised an eyebrow at the girl.
     What was she getting at here with the odd mood swing?
     Either she was an amazing actress, or bipolar.
     Neither is a good thing.
     Damian opened his mouth to say something, but before he could say anything, she felt her hand run softly against his cheek, and his back straightened as he felt her lips press gingerly against the wound. 
     Damian shivered nervously against the warmth of her mouth, his face turning light pink.
     Sure, he hoped to find love someday, but he wasn't expecting this.
     Damian looked around as he felt Angelica's lips retract from his cheek. He was trying to come up with something to talk about.
     He just wanted to get his mind off of the situation, and maybe find out why Angelica was doing this.
     And that's when he realized that the entire restaurant was completely empty- you would easily be able to hear any little sound with ease.
     Damian looked up at Angelica, who's eyes reflected nothing but infatuation, which made him shrink back uncomfortably.
     "Where... is everyone?" He asked, finally mustering up words. "Did you reserve a time when no one would be here?"
     Angelica shook her head, smirking victoriously.
     "Nope." She said happily. "I ran everyone out. After all, I didn't need anyone else ruining our night together."
     Okay. Now Damian was legitimately terrified.
     And if that look of longing in her eyes didn't set off anything, he didn't know what would.
     "What... what does that mean?" He asked, his voice growing frantic.
      Angelica smiled gently down at him.
     "Easy, my dear." She said. "We don't need anyone else in here to make this romantic. After all, we don't need anyone ruining this for us by getting help."
      Damian's eyes widened as his breath picked up again and he felt Angelica's small, warm hand gingerly press against his face.
     Damian jumped slightly, and clenched his eyes shut tightly in preparation.
     He was prepared for her to hit him again.
     But, instead, she felt her hand gently travel down his face, slowly caressing it- from his temple, to his cheek, to his chin...
     To his lips.
     Damian shuddered and clenched his eyes shut again as he felt her pointer finger draw gently over his lower lip, and it stopped there. For a moment, it stayed there, until he felt the small finger be taken off, but it was quickly replaced by another.
     He dared to open one of his eyes, and when he looked downward, where his lip area was, he noticed that, now, instead of her index finger, her thumb was there; but now instead of the finger just being idly pressed there, it was now stroking his lip gently.
     Damian's eyes drooped slightly- the feeling of her thumb gingerly stroking his lip was admittedly lulling him to sleep.
     Damian closed his eyes gently, and let a small sigh of content accidentally escape his lips, and when he noticed, his eyes flew open and his lips pressed tightly together, a dark blush forming on his cheeks.
     However, he felt Angelica's thumb press itself in between his lips, seemingly in an attempt to get him to relax, in which he did his best to comply, fearing what would happen if he didn't.
     He lightly sighed as Angelica removed her hand.
      Admittedly, he was a little relieved she had stopped.
     She was making him slightly uncomfortable.
     But, that didn't stop Angelica from placing her hands on the ropes restraining his hands, and she wrapped her small hands around his wrists.
     Her eyes sparkled in concern.
     "Dami, are you alright?" She asked, tilting her head. "Do I need to help you relax?"
     Damian's eyes widened in fear.
     "Oh, no..! You don't have to do tha- mmph!"
     Damian's eyes widened, and his entire body locked up as he felt Angelica's lips press against his.
     He felt her take her hands off of his wrists, and wrap them around his neck, where her fingers gently messed with, massaged, and rake through his soft, white hair before her hands moved downward to play with the collar of his shirt as he felt her lips gently suck on his.
     Damian didn't know what to think as he felt her pull her lips away, her bottom lip slightly sticking to his for a moment thanks to the soft, sparkly lip gloss she had on them.
     His heart was beating a mile a minute, his face burned, and his mind was racing as he just recounted what just happened.
     ...he was just given his first kiss.
     And from Angelica- no, a psychopath- of all of the girls out there. 
     He turned his head to his left in an attempt to look away, his cheeks flushing with mixed emotions, but he felt Angelica gently place her hand on his cheek, bringing his face back to hers.
     His eyes searched her lovestruck eyes once again as he continued to review what just happened.
     Him waking up tied to his seat.
     ...her slapping him because of Nora.
     Her kissing him moments earlier.
     ...Her terrifying infatuation with him.
     Damian shook his head slowly.
     "What do you want..?" He asked after a moment of stunned silence.
     Angelica smiled. "I think you know the answer to that." She said.
     Damian shook his head in denial, the last bits before he was knocked out by this girl playing in his mind before his head snapped up, anger rising in his chest.
     "I trusted you!" Damian said. "I thought you were my friend!"
     Angelica took a step back, shocked at his sudden outburst before she stared back at him.
     "But... I am your friend!" She said.
     Damian glared at her through his angry tears.
     "But, you lied to me about what you really were!" He said, raising his voice. "I can't believe you tried to trick me into loving you!"
     Angelica opened her mouth to defend herself, but Damian cut her off.
     "I don't want to hear anything else. Nora was right about you." He spat. "You really are a monster!"
     Angelica's eyes widened, hurt reflecting in them.
     "Damian... darling, please, let me-" She started, but Damian cut her off again.
     "Don't call me that!" He spat at her again.
     Angelica stared at him, speechless until her face contorted into something else.
     Damian's eyes widened slightly in fear as Angelica narrowed hers.
     "So... I'm a monster, eh..?" She growled. "Then so be it. But you're still mine.
     Damian started to writhe in the seat he was bound to.
     "Angelica, let me go!" He pleaded.
     Angelica glared darkly. "And why?" She hissed. "You'll only leave me if I do."
     Damian looked up at her with pleading eyes, tears beginning to well in his eyes again.
     "Please, Angelica..!" He said. "You can't win my heart like this..!"
     Angelica's eyes softened to a light sadness and longing.
     "But, Damian..." she whispered. "I... love you..."
     Damian glared at her through the building tears in his eyes.
     "Well, you've got quite the way of showing it!" He said. "You can't have me if you continue to do this!"
     Angelica's eyes hardened to a dark anger.
     "Oh, I'll have you..." she whispered, her eyes emptying out before being replaced by insanity, and screaming at the defenseless male. "I'll have you, even if I have to kill everyone and everything you know and love! I hoped this little date would turn out nice enough where you would love me finally, but it seems I've got to take extra measures for that to happen."
     Damian's eyes widened in horror. He opened his mouth to inquire what she meant, only to see Angelica let Azura out from her Pokèball.
     Damian's eyes widened further as Angelica stepped back, and pointed at him.
     "Azura, Hypnosis." She said.
     Damian let out a light gasp as he saw Azura blink slowly before opening her eyes back up, her orange irises gently glowing with the move.
     Damian made an attempt to look away, but he found he was too late when he felt his eyelids droop and his mind begin to drift off into sleep.
      He did his best to fight the move, but it proved too powerful for him, and the last thing he felt before falling unconscious was a light pressure on his forehead, and the feeling of a sharp object slicing through his binds.

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