Reunited in Paradise

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Achilles P.O.V.

I am losing my mind, I must be. It took him so long to get here, so why now? Why is Patroclus just now entering the gates? It can not be him. But I looked at him, and he may not have seen me, as he was looking around. When I looked into his eyes, even from this far away, I knew it was him.

Why now? Why is he just getting here now?  I thought he left me, or did not get into Elysium, and wonder the feild of Asphodel. What happend once I was buried? I told them to bury us together!

He looked down the main street, right at me. I saw the look of shock flash across his face. Then he started heading towards me, it looked like he was going to kill me, again. We kept looking at eachother, not looking away. I did something realy smart, I turned and fled towards the closest way into the forest. By the time I found a way to enter the forest, I could see him. I thought I left him in the dust. I stopped, but then I felt something on me, knocking me to the ground. I looked back and saw Patroclus, with his knees on my back and this look of anger is his eyes. (I made it to where spirits could touch and were solid being for the sake of the story.)

"Took you long enough to get here," I said with as much false agitation as I could. It was hard to seem agery though because I had missed him greatly. 

"I am not the one who given a tomb. If you did not know, your mother had to carve my name onto your tomb for me to pass. I am almost certain it was because she knew I would make you happy, even in death," he replied, his voice full of anger at the beginning, but by the end, he sounded quiet glad. 

Patroclus got off my back and helped me too my feet. I could not bother trying to hold myself back, I wrapped him in my arms and refused to let him go. Somehow we ended up back on the ground, but this time I had Patroclus on my lap. 

"How about you show me where you have been staying? The ground is not the most confortable, is it?" Patroclus said, though his voice was mufled as his face was buried in my chest. he did have a point. 

"You truly are clever, Patroclus, as that is a wonderful idea," I said, releashing him from the hug. 

As we got up from the ground agian, I kept his hand clasped in mine. We walked back to line of homes, and I walked Patroclus to the building which I called home for weeks. Souls claim one to be their home within a week of ariving. And you get it all to yourself, unless you want another soul there. This means I can spend eternity alone, with the man I love.

This is truly paridise. Just me and him. Just me and my Patroclus. 

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