A New Life

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No P.O.V.

Time wasn't a thing to them anymore. To Patroclus and Achilles, there was no need for it. They had each other and that's all that matters. They were together in paradise, and they had forever, because there was no such thing as time in paradise.

Achilles only showed Patroclus where their new home was. That was it before he was dragging around this beautiful city. Patroclus kept trying to remind him how long they had, but Achilles was determined to show him the whole city. And Patroclus knew that once Achilles was determined to do something, nothing could slow him down or stop him.

As they were walking around, they found a place neither had seen before. A beach with sand as white as powder, and crystal blue waves lazily rolled against the shore. It was something that little rivaled it's beauty. Achilles grabbed Patroclus's hand and pulled him down the white sand, down to just before where the water met the sand.

"A-Achilles, slow down!" Patroclus exclaimed as he felt Achilles nearly rip his arm with how fast he was running.

As Achilles fell down in the sand, he made sure to pull Patroclus down with him. Achilles laughed as he watched Patroclus fall down next to him on the sand. He sat up and placed his head on Patroclus's shoulder.

"Now this is something I could get used to. Being able to spend all of eternity here with you" Achilles said as he placed a small kiss on Patroclus's cheek.

"Me too" Patroclus said, chuckling lightly.

"Well, we have a new life to start. But then again, we've got a lot of time" Achilles whispered.

"Yeah, there is no need to start now," Patroclus sighed, a small smile on his face.

They sat there on the beach until the water was lapping at there knees. That's when they finally stood up and started away from the beach. They made there way back to their new home, and this time Achilles opened the door. The inside was breathtaking to anyone who had the glory of laying their eyes upon it.

(A/N: I'm sorry for the lack of updates and that this was a short chapter. I had a random episode of motivation and this is what came out of it. Don't worry, this is far from the end. I'm also sorry for the quality, 3rd person isn't my specialty.)

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