chapter 2

40 2 4

Hana's POV
"Umm no offense, but how exactly am I supposed to believe that?" I asked of Yoshi. Yoshi, in turn, gave me a smile. Without a word, the four of us got off at the proper stop, of which just so happened to be near my apartment complex.

"Hana, I know that everything I have just revealed to you sounds rather weird at the moment..." Yoshi's voice trailed off as I was trying to get into the complex. Of course, what if these three boys are just here to scare me? But, Yoshi and Doyoung seem nice. It's the Haruto kid that bugs me... "But trust me, we have no ill intentions towards you. I swear, we're just hear to help you out,"

"Help me out? In what way exactly?" I said back in response. These guys sure are fishy... Should I believe what this Yoshi guy just told me? Is this some type of prank?

"We're gonna help you and Junkyu fall in love!" Doyoung exclaimed, breaking the awkward silence that had followed after my questions. He snapped his fingers and gave me a playful, little wink. Haruto simply remained quiet, rolling his dark brown eyes at all three of us. I could tell that he really did not want to be here. He could've just left, but he somehow still wanted to stay. Releasing a small chuckle, Doyoung stepped aside so I could open the front door to my apartment.

No one was home. I bet my older brother Hyunsuk is still busy with work. He never told me what exactly it is that he has as a job, but he does work at Honey Bear Café as a part-time barista. Sometimes, my best friend Suah and I would stop by the place for some iced coffee and some pastries, but there was just something about today that apparently wasn't the same as all of the other days I've experienced so far. My parents, on the other hand, must be busy tending to the convenience store we own.

At times like these, I didn't really feel like staying home alone. As much as I was suspicious over the three boys' true intentions, I eventually decided to have them stay with me. Well, for a short time at least... "So, how exactly umm..." I began, clearing my throat and adjusting my glasses. "Just how exactly are you gonna help Junkyu and me get together?"

I was awfully curious. After all, it truly is hopeless for Junkyu to fall for me. Not only is he the most popular boy in my class, but almost every girl in the whole academy has confessed her feelings to him at some point, ranging from first years to third years. Just how exactly are they supposed to help me with my love life or whatever?

"Well..." began Yoshi. "We actually haven't figured that out yet..." Yoshi said all of that rather nonchalantly. I could tell that he was rather confident that he and the other two would eventually accomplish their goal to help me out, but I could also tell that there must have been a little part of him that felt I was utterly a lost cause when it came to my crush on Junkyu.

"Yeah!" Doyoung jumped in. "But don't worry, Hana! We'll come up with a plan! We won't give up until you and Junkyu become a couple! Fighting~"

"What a joke..." I heard Haruto mutter under his breath. He let out a chuckle, as if he wasn't surprised by hearing what Doyoung had said and was actually amused by how everything was playing out around him.

"What was that, Haru?" Doyoung asked, suddenly sticking his lips out in a cute manner, as if almost pouting. "Did you say something?"

"Yeah, I did say something..." Haruto's voice trailed off as he released a deep exhale. "Are you guys dumb or something? All this having this Hana chick and this Junkyu dude fall in love with each other, don't you think it's kinda stupid? C'mon, tell me! Don't you think it's just total bullshit?" Haruto suddenly started to laugh, almost maniacally. He stopped himself, looked directly at Doyoung, and then continued, "Also if you call me Haru one more time..." Giving Doyoung a threatening glare, Doyoung flinched, appearing to be scared for his life one way or another.

"Hyung..." Doyoung whispered into Yoshi's ear. "Are you sure he's an angel?"

"Well, he did basically get kicked out of Heaven..."

"Wait... Don't tell me that he's now one of the Fallen?" Doyoung gasped, seemingly super shocked.

"You guys do realize I can hear your whole conversation, right?" Haruto stated, annoyed as could be. He took a seat on the sofa next to me. "Yah, Hana... It is Hana, right?"

"Y-Yeah," I began, kind of caught of guard by Haruto suddenly talking to me, after having been silent the whole time since the bus ride.

Haruto suddenly turned to face me and drew his face only a couple centimeters away from my own, which had caused me to blush a bright red. "You're pretty plain-looking and your fashion sense is..." Here, he paused and glimpsed at me from head to toe. "It's so old-fashioned..." He continued, quickly drawing his face away from mine. I was still blushing like mad, and shivering all over from what had just occurred.

This Haruto kid... Just what is he?


I know, this chapter is just total cringe (and kinda short too) ... 😖 But, I really enjoyed how this chapter turned out! 🥰 Thank you for all of the votes, comments, and reads! 💓 Also, happy bday to me and Yedam! 🎂🥳 (P.S. Those who bias Haruto, you'll be seeing more of tsundere Haruto in upcoming chapters lol! 😝 Stay tuned! ✨✨)


Cath 💫

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