4 - The Date

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"Gentlemen," Arthur says as he stands on a stool with a pointer and a map pinned to the wall behind him. "To break this curse, we're gonna have to work as a tightly knit team."

Snow is already asleep upstairs. She drew a bunch of missing posters for her dad. They look really good and quite accurate to King White's appearance.

"Which means," Arthur continues. "We do everything I say."




"If anything we should listen to Onyx."

I roll my eyes at them all and lean back on the chair legs. "Just let him talk. We'll work the kinks out later," I say casually.

"Thank you, Onyx!" Arthur says proudly, not understanding my backhanded compliment. He points at the map. "Hans and Jack will search around the Dismal Lake. Triplets, you search the caves of despair. Red Shoes and I will go to Golden Goose Avenue."

"Golden Goose Avenue, which happens to be your go-to place for dates," Merlin comments with narrowed eyes. I roll my own.

"We are going to focus on the mission," Arthur counters. "Then, see where the evening takes us."

"That might actually work," I chime in, making them all look at me. I roll my eyes for the umpteenth time. "Red and I like chatting about you lot," I say casually. "She may have disclosed some info to me that makes me believe Arthur has a shot."

"She said she likes me?!" Arthur says excitedly.

I tilt my head teasingly. "I never said that. I just said you have a shot," I correct. "Now, where are Merlin and I's jobs?" I ask. "You failed to mention that."

"You two are babysitting Bunny," Arthur says with a smirk.

"What! Absolutely not!" Merlin objects. He looks to me for back up but I pause. I wouldn't actually mind that. A day to myself to try and organize my thoughts, get things back in line before I screw more things up.

"Onyx?" Merlin's voice snaps me out of my train of thought.

I shake my head. "I'm good with that," I say with a shrug. "You can go with one of the groups if you like, Merlin. I'm happy keeping the house in order."

Merlin gives me a weird look before sitting back in his chair. "Well, I don't want you to be lonely, now, do I?"

I only shrug, ignoring the strange feeling of excitement in my stomach. "Whatever you want," I say before turning back to Arthur. "Before you take her out on your date, I'll need to teach you how to impress a woman."

Arthur scoffs. "Like you know anything about that."

I raise a brow. "And who's the one who continually gets feminine attention despite your efforts?" I ask making Merlin and the triplets snort out laughter. I smirk. "I said you had a shot. Lemme help you increase your chances."

Arthur seems to struggle with making a decision before finally caving. "Fine," he huffs.

I smile. "Great! Now, everyone to bed. I have a lesson to teach."

The boys all head upstairs, minus Arthur. Merlin looks like he wants to say something but shakes it off and follows them all up.

Once they're all gone, Arthur speaks up. "I don't need flirting lessons," he nearly growls.

I roll my eyes. "If I'm a woman, and I trip, what do you do?"

"I'd catch you," he answers.

"And then?"

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