5 - The Fight

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I sit in the garden, pulling out carrots, mind wandering to how weird Onyx was acting yesterday. He dodged every question of mine. I don't think he's fine. I think he's hiding something from us, Something very bad about himself that he doesn't want us to know. Clearly, whatever it is, it's bothering him and I want to help. I want to help. I can help. I consider him my best friend. I would do anything to make sure he's okay.

"Thinking about Onyx?" Arthur's voice asks from behind me.

"Yeah," A admit. Turning around to face him. "He's clearly going through something but refuses to talk about it."

"What do you think it is?"

"Something to do with his past," I say. "It has to be. He freezes up whenever we bring up his childhood or ask him where he learned to fight." I look down, worry filling me up. "I worried about him. The way he's acting makes me think his past is very very dark."

Arthur sighs. "I understand. But we shouldn't push it from him. When he's ready, he'll tell us. And when he does, we'll be here for him."

I sigh as well. "You're right," I agree. "For now we need to focus on breaking our curses."


"Speaking of which," I look up at Arthur. "How are things with Red Shoes? You two seem to be hitting it off."

Arthur blushes. "Oh, it's nothing really," he tries to brush it off. "We just get long is all."

I scoff. "Oh please. Onyx was right. You have a real chance with her."

Arthur beams at me. "You really think so?"

I chuckle. "I know so. I see the way you look at her. I think you're actually falling in love."

"What?! No!"

"Oh yeah, you are!" I smile. "Just look at how red you are! You're totally smitten!"

Arthur huffs. "Okay, okay, fine! I might be possibly falling in love with her, but don't tell anyone. Especially not Onyx! I will never hear the end of it."

I put my hands up in surrender. "I promise. I will not tell a soul."

Before he can thank me a net is thrown over us. What the-?


"Oh, Hans, you shouldn't have," I hear Snow sing from the living room. I peer out of Merlin's room to look at what Hans has done for her. I'm in Merlin's room because I need to research more on Bunny's curse. There's got to be a way to turn him back right? So far, all I'm finding is that curses have only two cures: the way the curser intended it to be broken, and by the curser dying therefore the magic dying with them.

But that doesn't make any sense. If I killed Regina doesn't that mean both Bunny and I should be curseless? Regina probably found a way to keep her magic alive even if she's dead or something. Because she is dead. I killed her. She disintegrated in my hands. There is no way she's alive. So that means I just need to find out what Bunny's cure is. If he was even given one.

Anyway, I look out the door to see Hans in front of Snow who's sitting on the couch. On the coffee table in front of her is a plate of freshly baked donuts. My mouth begins to water at the sight. Oh, I would kill for a donut right now.

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