Up Till Now

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As the school bell rang for dismissal, I ran out of class and walked quickly outside of the school building. I got my bike and waited impatiently for my brother, Kyle to come. Hopefully he doesn't forget. Today Kyle & I have to head to the seminar to get our confessions over with, because last time we missed the timing.

We got to the seminar just in time, and headed inside. Sister Angela was waiting for us. Angela is our guardian in case something happens and we need a responsible adult to come help out. She's taken care of Kyle & I ever since we were little. We called her mom ever since we were little even knowing she wasn't our real mom. Kyle & I were never really mentioned about our childhood. I've always wondered, but Sister Angela promised she tell me and my brother all about our backgrounds when we graduate from high school.

Inside, everyone was lined up in a corner, waiting for their turn to confess. Kyle and I seperated and went to a line that was opened. I stood around admiring the seminar and practicing how I would confess. I looked over, and I saw Kyle talking to someone.

At first I couldn't really see, but then I rubbed my eyes and took a closer look. Oh shoot! Why did it have to be Derek?! This just became very awkward and I almost forgot what I was going to say during confession. I tried keeping myself out of sight, but I kept feeling the urge to take glimpse every minute. By the time I looked back at the line, the person infront of me had just came out and it was my turn to go in.

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