The Long Run

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I got home, but there was so much on my mind. I decided to take a quick nap. It was almost an hour when Kyle returned back from the seminar. I hear him from downstairs, and I got up from bed. Freshened up and walked downstairs.

"What's up Kyle." I asked him. "Nothing much, I finished - Wait! I remembered something!" he exclaimed. Oh no, was he going to bring up Derek.. I thought to myself. "Guess who I met today at the seminar? Come on, guess already!!"
I really didn't want to say anything so I tried acting as clueless as possible. "Seriously Kylie, what's wrong? You're always firing up when it comes to guessing." It was true, I did love guessing things Kyle told me.

"Well since you're not going to guess, I'll just tell you. Ms.Anderson is coming over tomorrow night for dinner. I was wondering if you and mom could cook something up you know!" I pretended to go along and acted as if I never knew I saw Derek already. "Uhh... wait! When did they come back?? Did you... uhh meet Derek?" I asked out of curiosity. "Yea, they came back this week! They have lots to talk about, so I invited them over. Too bad Derek isn't coming, but I caught up with him at the seminar. Oh I remember now! I went and hung out with him for an hour after my confession. He's going around town, seeing how this place had changed and all, so he said he probably wouldn't make it..." That was a close one again! I was happy but at the same time I don't know what it was but whenever I see him, he brings sadness to my eyes. But hearing what Kyle just said, I'm pretty sure Derek hasn't remembered a thing he said to me the last time I saw him.

Mom was still at the seminar, so I decided to ride my bike over to the seminar. When I got there I saw her outside watering the plants infront.
"Hey mom! What're you doing?"
She looked over her shoulders and smiled. "You know not to call me that at the seminar right? she laughed at me. I loved it when she laughs, it puts it in the greatest mood. ♡ "So earlier, Kyle came home and he told me Ms.Anderson is coming tomorrow??" I wondered if she heard from them yet. "Oh yes! Ms.Anderson talked to me a little after the confession session. And do you remember Derek? Well he told me to tell you he's going to go to the old park near our house tomorrow. You go there every week right? He said he wanted to meet you there, so go after school tomorrow. I can't drive tomorrow sorry! But I'll handle the meal at home for tomorrow, it's fine! Hurry along, it's getting dark. I'll see you at home."

*Skip to the next day*

After school, I was riding my bike, wondering if I should just go out and then go home so mom wouldn't suspect me... or actually go see if Derek was really waiting at the park. But I thought it was rude if I just left him waiting there all night. I thought along the way about what we could've talked about. Hopefully he wouldn't be awkward or not know how to acknowledge me since it's been over 10 years.

I got to the park entrance, and locked my bike to the bike rack. I walked around admiring the park because nature just never fails to impress me. I know just probably ever crack and cranny of the park. I walk around but I still don't see Derek anywhere. I sit down on my favorite bench and close my eyes and listen to the sound of nature. The birds chirping and the trees swaying back and forth from the wind. I was about to lay there for about a couple more minutes, but over my eyes lids, I spot a dark shadow. It was completely dark. Wasn't it still daytime? I thought to myself. I opened my eyes, and there were hands cupped right on top of my face. The hands slowly seperate and finally, I see his face facing me.

His face wasn't sad this time, but was full of joy. His smile was brighter than I'd ever seen him smile. "Is it really you, Kylie? I was still speechless and I couldn't believe it. Did he really remember? "I honestly didn't think you would come. Don't you remember what I told you, that day I had to leave...? Did you think I wouldn't come back?" I couldn't help it.. but I could feel myself heating up, and tears started to drip from my face. "From time to time, I really did wonder when you were coming back. Honestly, when I saw you at the seminar, I wanted to hide. I.. I didn't know what to do. It was such a long time and I - " He took me into his arms before I even finished talking. I kept holding my breath, but that did no help. I kept breaking into tears. His warmth was comforting and I didn't want to leave. Before I knew it, the sun had gone down and I could see the moon appear. The starts gleamed brightly and I was still in his arms. I let go and wipes my face. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't return sooner. I'm sorry I left so suddenly. I'm sorry I left you when there was no one there to be by your side. I'm just so... very sorry." He lowered his head. "I'm really glad you feel that way. I'm glad you remembered. I'm glad you didn't forget me. I'm glad you're here." Then he lifted his head and he looked at me. And I gave him my biggest smile and hugged him. "Now, I'll never leave you side," he whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes, I can finally sleep in peace from now on.

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