Chapter Four

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Somewhere in Amphibia

"Sorry for whacking you two with a stick earlier." Sprig apologizes to Star and Marco as they rub away the pain on their heads, the parts where Sprig and Polly hit them with the stick. "I thought you guys were monsters or something, you know how eyes can deceive you when you see things the first time."

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry about it. Trust me when I say that we've been through worse." Star smiles as she places her wand inside her purse.

"Woah, what's that?" Polly asks as she looks at Star's wand with wonder in her eyes.

"Oh, this? This is my Royal Magic wand, the greatest heirloom of my family, the Butterfly family." Star happily shows her wand to Polly.

"It's so pretty. What does it do?"

"Well, it can do lots of things. For one it is used to summon magical and powerful spells!"

"I wanna try!" Polly gasped as she took the wand from Star's hand and started waving it around in the air, causing beams of light to shoot out of it and start breaking stuff inside the house.

"Polly! Stop! You're breaking the house!" Sprig yells out as he grabs Polly, stopping her from doing any more damage inside the house. "I'm sorry, she gets carried away when she holds things that are filled with power."

"It's okay, although I can't say that your house is okay," Star says as she takes her wand from Polly, looking around the house.

"So, you guys are humans?" Anne asks as she looks at Star and Marco.

"Well, technically Marco is the only human." Star answers. "See, I'm a Mewman, a resident of Mewni."

"Which is technically still a human." Marco stopped Star's sentence, correcting her.

"What in the name of cricket bugs is going on here!?" Their conversation was cut short as Hop Pop yelled out, standing outside the door as he stares at the damage that was done by the wand.

"Oh boy."

Somewhere in Gravity Falls

"What is that?" Mabel asks as they stare at a strange portal that appeared out of nowhere just a few feet from the doors of the Mystery Shack.

The portal was opened for more than 3 minutes and yet no one was coming out of it. Stanley volunteered to go out and investigate but Stanford stopped him, telling him that it could be dangerous.

"Alright, waiting is over. I'm going out there and see what this shenanigan is." They waited a few more minutes until Stanley couldn't wait any longer and decided to go out and investigate what the portal was.

"Stanley! Get back here!" Stanford yelled out as he went after Stanley. "This is dangerous!"

"You're dangerous!"

As the two argued, someone finally stepped out of the portal. It was a woman with a giant blue-ish hand on her head and she has red skin.

"Greetings, people of this realm. My name is Kikimora and I have come here for the piece of Unity."

Stanley and Stanford stopped arguing as the woman, Kikimora, greeted them. They looked at her, confused as to what she means.

"Hand it over quickly and we won't be having any problems," Kikimora added as she began making circles in the air with her finger.

"Look lady, I don't know what this piece of Unity you're talking about. Maybe you got the address wrong." Stanley stated.

"Oh, but it is here. And base on my knowledge, it is kept in the basement."

"Kept in the basement? What are you---" Stanley stopped in his sentence as he realized what Kikimora means by the piece of Unity. "Can you hold that thought for a second?" Stanley grabs Stanford's collar as he dragged him a few feet away from Kikimora. "Is this the dream you were talking about? Is that lady in your dream?"

"I don't know. She wasn't in my dream or my vision. All I know is that she's after Bill's statue and we can't let her have it!"

"Are you two done whispering with one another?" Kikimora asked.

Stanford and Stanley looked towards Kikimora, telling her that they don't know what she was talking about. "Sorry to burst your bubble lady, but we don't have what you're talking about."

"Of course, you do. If you just let me take a look inside the basement then I can find what I came here for."

"The Shack is closed today Hand lady, so leave and we won't have any problems," Stanley stated as he and his brother started walking back towards the shack.

"Then I guess we'll just have to take it by force."

Stanford and Stanley stopped walking as they looked at each other confused as they cannot find any other person with Kikimora, confused that she used the word "we".

"We? What do you mean we?"

Kikimora didn't answer Stanford, she snapped her fingers and another figure walks out of the portal. It was a huge guy with a bird mask of some sort on his face. "Me and Warden Wrath."

"This can't be good."

Somewhere in Amphibia

"Alright? What gives? Why are we tied up to chairs?" Marco asks as he starts moving his hands, hopefully trying to free his hands.

"Hey! Stop it!"


Hop Pop slaps Marco's hands, stopping him from squirming his hands free. "We keep you tied up until we know what kind of creatures you are!"

"What do you mean "we"? You were the one who tied them up! All we did was whack them with sticks! Hehehehehe!"

"Polly's right Hop Pop, you were the only one who tied them up so don't include us in your nonsense. Right Anne? Anne?"

"Yeah, I'm over here Sprig."

Sprig looks in the direction where Anne's voice was coming from and there he saw her tied up to a chair just like Marco and Star. "Anne! Why are you tied up!?"

"Don't ask me, ask Hop Pop. He was the one that tied me up."

"Why would you tie Anne up Hop Pop!?" Sprig asked as he started untying the rope on Anne's hands, freeing her. "You're a madman!"

"That's what you think! You all kept calling me a mad man for warning you all that Anne's species will come and take over us all! Eating our bodies on burning fire! Tearing our skin from our bodies with their sharp teeth!"

"Isn't that a little too harsh? Even for Anne?" Polly asks as she lifts up Star's lip with the stick she's holding, checking Star's teeth. "They don't even have sharp teeth how can they eat us? Let alone tear our skins off our bodies?"

"Stop it!" Star commanded, making Polly drop the stick.

"We can't untie them, kids, we have to know what species they are. We don't know if they're dangerous or not. My money is that they'll eat us once we let them roam free."

"But Hop Pop, they said that they're humans, just like Anne! And Anne's been living with us and she hasn't eaten one of us yet."

"Look, if you untie us, we promise that we won't eat you guys," Star stated as she started biting the rope in front of her, trying to cut it.

"Ha! You must be dreaming if you thought that we'll just untie yo---" Hop Pop's sentence was interrupted as he noticed Sprig finished untying Marco and Star. "You've doomed us kid."

End of Chapter

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