Chapter 21

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Hey Ash Army! Omg So today my ex boyfriend kept glaring at me. His name is Quentin. .-. I'm not even joking. Anyway, enjoy this chapter!

Adam's POV.

Awww... Tyler and Jason are FINALLY together! They are so adorable! I turned and smiled at Ty. "I knew it!" He said happily. "Now they can be like us." Ty added, gazing into my eyes. He was smiling so sweetly. I smiled, happy tears in my eyes, and brought him into another kiss. Ty is so amazing, nice, and adorable. Our kiss was cut short when Tyler yelled, "GET A ROOM YOU TWO!!! OR LEAVE OURS!!!" I looked at him and countered with, "Oh please, you only want us too leave so that you can makeout with Jason." He blushed and moved behind Jason a bit. "Shut up Adam." Jason said, rolling his eyes. "You know it's true." I pushed. "So what if it is?" Jason replied. "KNEW IT!!" I screamed. A nurse came in and said, "You guys need to be quiet. You aren't the only people here you know." I rolled my eyes. "Does it look like I care?" I answered sassily. "I will kick you out, Sir." She threatened. I looked at Ty, who was holding in a laugh. "Go ahead." I said. "Just be more quiet." She replied, annoyed. As she was walking out the door, I said, "Naw, I'm good thanks." She rolled her eyes at me. Everyone burst out laughing when she left. "Y-you just! OMG!! HAHHAHHAHHA!!!!" Ty managed to say, tearing up from laughing so hard. "When do you guys get to leave?" I asked, all of a sudden serious. "The doctors said that we get to leave tomorrow. She also said we still have to go to school." Jason answered, sighing. I nodded. I kind of expected that, I mean they aren't really that hurt. Ty healed them. Still, I wish we didn't have to go, SCHOOL SUCKS. Especially the teachers.

~Time Skip To Next Day~

Ty and I held hands, said bye to Tyler and Jason, and walked out to my car. Ty doesn't really want to go back to his house, and neither do I. So, we are going to pack his stuff, and he is going to move in with me and my family. If they ever come home long enough to meet Ty. We get into the car, and Ty, of course, turns on the radio. It's going down for real came on. Ty did the Harlem Shake in his seat, and I chuckled at his adorable actions. The song is pretty catchy. We pull into Ty's driveway, and walk in. Glares were shot at us by Ty's 'family'. I gave them both an F off look, then I remembered I was wearing sunglasses, so they couldn't see the look on my face. I took off my sunglasses and gave them a look that could kill. They gave me a look that said 'come at me bro'. What dicks. (WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE sorry. It came on the radio.) Ty walked upstairs, and I followed. While he packed his bag, I thought about how terrible his dad and brother are. Ty doesn't deserve to be treated like this. He is so amazing. And just because he is gay. Fucking homophobes. We had to wake up extremely early today, so Ty could move in before school starts. "I'm done." I hear Ty say. I take his bag for him, and we go downstairs to leave. "Fags." Trevor says. "Homophobic dicks." I shoot back. He gets up and walks toward me and Ty, so I levitate him in the air. "Don't even think about it." I growl. I toss him against the wall and walk out the door with Ty. He clings onto my arm as we walk. I can feel his heart racing. I pat his back and give him a smile. We leave and arrive at my place. "Woah." Ty says, staring at my house in awe. This is going to be a long day when we get back to school. I can feel it.


OMG I HAVE NO TIME TO WRITE I APOLOGIZE I SUCK UH MUH GUH!!! Anyway, cya next chapter! So sorry that this one was short. ~Spark

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