Chapter 25

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Hey Ash Army! Idk what to say.


Brewer's POV.

I WANT TY TO BE MINE! FUCK ALESAS PLANS! Hehe, I ruined her plans a long time ago. After I found out she was trying to get Adam to kill Ty, I took care of her. Slipped a poison potion into her food, and when she was weak, smashed her face in. (Damn. Anger issues much?) She can't stop me now. Ty is fucking hot and he will be mine. That kiss today was amazing, even if he didn't like it.

Lou's POV.

I helped Brewer kill Alesa. Kind of. I gave her the poisoned food. I did agree with her though, I want Ty dead. Brewer likes him. I want Brewer to be mine. If Ty was dead, maybe Brewer would like me. The only way Brewer will ever like me is if I do whatever he says, no matter how much I disagree with it. Why can't Brewer love me? LOVE ME SENPAI BREWER! NOTICE MEEEEEEEEEE! Stupid Ty, go fuck Adam and die. Or die with Adam, I don't care, I just want Brewer to like me. Brewer came home all smiley today, and when I asked why he said he would tell me later. He calls me from upstairs, so I guess he is going to tell ,e what he did now.

Brewer's POV.

I yelled for Lou to come upstairs so I could tell him what I did today, and he came running. "I pissed off Adam." I said proudly, but that wasn't my favorite part of what I did. "How?" He asked. "I forcefully made out with Ty." I replied, smirking. He looked... Sad? "Why are you sad?" I asked, concerned for my friend. "I'm not." He answered, giving me a fake smile. Then he ran out of the room, but not before I could see the tears falling from his eyes. Was it something I said?


OMFG THIS IS LITERALLY THE WORST CHAPTER EVER IM SO SORRY!! I will try to make a better one next time! DONZ HATE MEH PLZ I FAN! ~Spark

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