Chapter 23

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Hey Ash Army!! MUAHHAHAHHA!! Ty-Ty doesn't get beat up, but something happens... DUH DUH DUH!! I suck for leaving you with a cliffhanger. Lol, anyway, enjoy the chapter!!! BTW THERE IS A REALLY GOOD SKYLOX BOOK, CHECK IT OUT IF YOU WANT, YOU DON'T HAVE TO. IT IS CALLED A sky-lox story ~The prince that left AND IT IS BY candyconrtol!! THX!! Also, I sadly have an anxiety disorder. :( But, for once I talked back to someone who was being mean to me. But, that made them spread rumors about me so... you see how that turned out.


Ty'sPOV. (Obviously)

Adam and I walked to our first class, hand in hand. He was really nervous about me having my next class alone, mostly because it was across campus from where he would be. I told him that I would be perfectly fine on my own, and I would meet him at the big tree in front of the school, which had become a meeting place for me and my friends. He hesitated, then nodded. We walked into the class, and I immediately heard whispers of, "That's the fag boy who messed up Adam." One kid even tried to trip me. I tried to ignore them, but it was obviously bugging me. I could feel the tears pricking at my eyes, threatening to fall. Adam chose two seats in the back, and as soon as he told me where to sit, I did, and cried silently into my arms. I felt a hand on my arm, and looked up to see Adam giving me a sympathetic look, so I gave him a weak smile. Hang in there. I heard. (You should know by now that bold and italics is Adam talking to Ty in his mind, and just italics is Ty) I nodded. The teacher was talking about stuff I already know, so I payed no attention to him. Instead, I pulled out a little sketchpad. I have one just like Brice, and he says I'm as good as him, but I don't think so. He is REALLY good. I start to draw a picture of Adam and I, walking through a meadow with a creek in the background. We aren't normal in the drawing, though, I'm in my enderdragon form, and he has his sunglasses off. The sun is shining perfectly, it is just becoming morning. The meadow is full of thorn-less roses, and we are hand in hand. I reach into my backpack, and get out my good colored pencils. I color in the picture I drew, starting with my dragon features. I'm so focused on coloring, that I don't notice Adam peek over my shoulder to see what I'm doing. Wow. That's amazing. Thanks. I give Adam a smile, and he smiles back. Then someone throws a piece of paper at me, and I pick it up and read it. It says, I hope you know how much of a worthless fag you are. Adam was a good person until you came along. He is just pretending to like you. He hates you. Who could ever like you? You are an ugly, annoying, stupid emo fag and you know it. Go die. It's not like Adam would notice. I felt the hot tears again, and threw the crumpled piece of paper in a ball back in the direction of where it came from. "Tyler! No throwing paper! Go pick it up right now!" The teacher yells at me. I slowly get up, trying to hide my tear stained face. "It's Ty." I mutter quietly. One kid snickers and kicks me. I fall over, but get back up. I pick up the stupid piece of paper, and instead of throwing it away, I stuff it in my pocket. Then I walk back to my seat and give it to Adam, looking down and wiping tears from my eyes. Adam read the note, and he got pissed off. He told me he knew the handwriting, and looked in the direction of some random kid. Adam then took off his sunglasses, and the chair com busted into flames, and a split second later, it was just ash on the floor. The kid had a horrified look on his face, and turned to look at Adam. Adam gave him a menacing glare and growled. The kid turned pale and moved to another chair that wasn't ash on the floor. Then, Adam got a smirk on his face, and lifted me into the air with his powers. He slowly made me come closer to his chair, and he dropped me on his lap. My eyes were wide from just basically flying without my powers, in his control. He wrapped his strong arms around my weak frame, and hugged me close. He whispered in my ear, "You know I love you right?" I looked at him and said, "I love you too, but what if we get caught?" He sighed and pouted, "You're no fun." Then he teleported me back to my chair. I had a small smile on my face. Then the bell rang. Adam came up to me and asked me if I would be alright. Once again, I told him I would be okay, then I walked out the door. On the way across campus, I stumbled on a random jacket and fell over. Luckily no one laughed at me, but no one noticed either. My books and papers scattered all over the hallway. Some random guy, a new guy I'm guessing, came up to me. He quickly shoved my papers and stuff into my bag, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and started to drag me somewhere. "Let go!" I cried helplessely. I tried to kick and thrash around, but it just made him tighten his grip on my shirt. I gave up, and just slumped sadly. I can't get away, he is too strong. If only I wasn't so weak. The only way I could defend myself is if I was in my enderdragon form, but I can't control myself when I am. I would probably murder this kid. I can't have that happen, so I will just have to deal with another beating. He ran, dragging me behind him, until we came upon a small janitor's closet. He threw me in, then he came in, and he locked the door. "Beat me up fast, I have to get to class." I whimpered, cowering in a corner. "I'm not going to beat you up." He said. I looked at him confused. He smiled a creepy smile, and brought his face close to mine. I tried to push him away, but he shoved his lips onto mine. He pinned my arms on the wall, and no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get away from him. I went limp, and he held me against the wall. A single tear slipped from my eye, and my last hope was silently whimpering something to Adam. Help. 

Adam's POV.

Help. I heard Ty's sweet voice ring through my head. I'm in the middle of class, but I don't give a shit. My adrenaline started running through my veins, and I sprinted out the door and down the hallway, ignoring the teachers yells to come back. I suddenly remembered, I can teleport to him if I just think about him. I imagined Ty's adorable face in front of me, and I felt myself leave where I was previously standing. Suddenly, I was standing in front of some dick basically raping MY Ty. Ty was just limp, he had given up all hope. I can't stand another second of this. I grab the guy by his neck, and chuck him to the ground. I take off my sunglasses to look more threatening, and practically scream, "DON'T EVER COME NEAR MY BOYFRIEND TY AGAIN OR YOU WON'T WAKE UP IN THE MORNING!!! THE POLICE WILL FIND YOU WITH BULLETHOLES IN YOUR NECK!!!" He didn't look scared of me at all. "I'm not scared of you Skybrine, and Enderlox will be mine." I stand there shocked at how he knows what we are, but then it hits me. This guy looked so familiar because... because he is... Brewer.


Well damn. That just happened. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! ~Spark

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