Chapter Four

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 It was a little after 9:30 in the morning and I was gathered with the rest of the band in a private waiting area in a small Paris airport. We were about to board a small plane for the short flight to Scotland. We had ten shows there before we played five shows in Ireland and still fifteen more in England.

I was reclined in a comfortable chair playing Homescapes on my phone when I received a text message from Angel that nearly stopped my heart.

*Bebita, you ever hear the song 90's Country? I kinda like it.*

**I kinda like it too.**

Of course, I kind liked it. Chris had written it and I helped him sing it on an almost nightly basis.


"Neffi, hush," I lightly tapped the top of her quilted cat carrier. "It's only for a little while. Go to sleep like your sister."

"You know she can't understand you," Wade laughed at me from his place laying stretched out on the floor and using his duffel bag as a pillow.

"Oh, yes, she can," I replied. If she couldn't understand me than why the holy hell did come hightailing it into my kitchen whenever I said the word tuna? Or hide under my bed anytime I said the word bath, even when I was only referring to taking one myself? Neffi – and Tonks – understood me perfectly. My cats just chose when they wanted to respond to me.

*The chica who fronts that band, Memphis Millennials isn't hard on the eyes either. She's actually pretty sexy.*

I felt my cheeks heat up and I knew that I was blushing all the way to my highlighted roots.

"Whoa," Rose laughed. "Girl, who are you talkin' to over there?"

"Noneya," I smirked.

Rose simply raised a questioning eyebrow.

"None of ya business," I clarified. Seriously, was I the only one who remembered the classic 90's comebacks?

"Real mature," Rose shook her head.

My hands were shaking as I typed out my reply to Angel.

**Her name is Chelsea Stone.**

Wonderful. Now I was texting about myself in the third person like I didn't even know myself.



"Great. Thank you, Neffi. You woke up Tonks!" I huffed.

"Chelsea, I'm worried about you, so I want you to repeat slowly after me," Chris' tone was mockingly serious. "My cats are not people. Say it with me now. My cats are –"

I smacked him upside the back of his head before he could finish his sentence. "Boy, shut the hell up."

*Si, her. She's beautiful, a reina. So, her name is the same as yours. What a weird coincidence.*

**Yeah, totally weird. What does reina mean? You know that I don't speak Spanish.**

I tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of, well, me.

*You should let me teach you Spanish. We could do it over the phone. Reina means queen.*

"Holy shit," I mumbled to myself. The dead sexy Mexican biker thought that I looked like a queen. That was one hell of an ego boost.

"meow, meow, meow," Tonks' little meows came out sounding more like chirps. She was a cat that looked like a mouse that sounded like a bird. She was certainly unique.

"It's okay, baby." I opened the cage and started petting her to calm her down. I was kind of glad for the distraction. I didn't know how to respond to Angel in that moment. Honestly, I was freaking out internally, wondering if I should cut off all communication with the man who had somehow managed to become one of my best friends, all over text message.

"My cats are not people," Chris started up his crap again.

Shutting Tonks' carrier, I quickly smacked my smart-ass friend in the stomach when he was least expecting it, causing him to double over in his chair because I knocked the wind out of him.

Yeah. Distractions were nice.

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