a "ladies man"

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[codys pov !!! :O3]

the bitter smell of motor oil and fresh water air blew into my eyes, face, and hair as the boat stopped by the docks. 

hi! my name is cody, the codester, or as mostly everyone calls me, the codemeister! you don't know me yet but one day, everyone will know my name. i'm gonna be big someday! i can just feel it... and this? this was only the start! you'll see! 

i felt determined as i strut off the steps of the motor boat, slightly tripping due to the height of one step to another.

ya see... i'm what they call a "ladies man"! a "playah" if you will. the ladies? they dig me. at least i think so... i uhh... i've never had a girlfriend before, but that all changes this month!

if you've ever seen a reality show before, you know they always have a showmance! my goal is to be part of one... i've always dreamed of having a girlfriend... someone who'd love me and take care of me... and let me love them and take care of them back! i plan to bring genuine romance to your television screen! today was just the start!

chris mclean... i barely knew the guy. he was sort of famous? but not crazy famous, ya know? he wasn't quite the household name yet.. apparently he used to be on an ice skating program? i don't know, i never cared for sports much! 

he introduced me to the gang. once it was over, it was time to make my move! i made my way over to the first girl i saw! she was gorgeous, dark skinned with braids tied back into a ponytail. i began to open my mouth... and that's when i realized. i uhh.. i've never spoken to a girl before? 

hey! i'm not a fraud... i just.. there aren't a lot of girls at my school! okay?! .... anyways. i got lucky because before i even got the chance to move my vocal chords the girl quickly hushed me, putting a finger over my mouth. i quickly took the hint and moved on... 

and that's when i saw her! she was taller than me ever so slightly, she had bluish green lockes of hair with black streaks all through out it. her skin was pale, her eyes were lined with dark circles in the prettiest way you could ever imagine. i swear i've never been more intrigued by a human being in my life! i wanted to know how she thought, how she felt, how she talked... 

was this a crush? don't get me wrong.. i don't go to an all boy school so i've met girls in my life time, but never one like this! she was drop dead! we made eye contact for a few seconds.. short short seconds of bliss, or at least to me it was!

i admit.. she didn't seem interested, but maybe it was because she didn't get to know the real codemeister! that's okay, lots of people don't know him yet... someday they will.

i began to examine the other contestants. eventually i met the tired, unamused eyes of another boy. 


- clifford !!! :o3 


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