A Night At Cole's

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Frank:Grey hair,green eyes,56

Alice:OH FUCK!!


I look at the comic
Alice printed it out and stapled it together

Cole:You dirty bitch! Are you sure this is in the right order?

Alice:Yes I'm sure I've seen the comic a thousand times!

Cole:And you liked it so much you printed it out?

Alice:Yes I'm very horny and like to masterbate! My favorite page is the one where their in the car and Violet spanks Helen

Cole:The one where she turns up the air conditioning?


Cole:What makes it your favorite?
Alice:I like the face Violet makes

Cole:Can we take a break so I can look through the entire thing?

Alice:No we can't take a break! We just started! You read through it while we're doing it and whatever Helen calls Violet you call me,so if she calls her a dirty slut you call me a dirty slut

Cole:I already called you a slut


Cole:Ok geez! There's no need to be such a bitch

Alice:Well start listening and I won't be a bitch

I look at the comic again

I start stroking the small part of my penis that's not in Alice

I put the comic on her back

Alice:Hey I'm not your table!

Cole:Shut up you dirty bitch!

Alice:There you go

I notice another comic sticking out of her backpack

I grab it

Alice:Hey what are you doing!?

Cole:Whats this?

Alice:Comic pörn what's it look like?

Cole:Who's this?

Alice:Are you serious?


Alice:You don't know who those people are?


Alice:Oh my god you've never seen Coraline?

Cole:I've heard of it,is it a movie?

Alice:It's a book and a movie

Cole:Oh well I've never seen either

Alice:When we're done this we're watching it and your reading the book

Cole:Ok,can I at least take the bottoms off their so fucking itchy


Cole:Come on! Their not even wearing their costumes in the comic!

Alice:I don't care

Cole:Couldn't I just wear one of the things Helen wears in the comic and you wear something Violet wears?

Alice:No cause if we did this in public people wouldn't know were the Incredibles

Cole:They would if they saw the comic

Alice:Well not everyone saw the comic and even if they did we'd still look like two women fucking not the Incredibles

Cole:But we're in my house

Alice:The more you talk the less sexy this is now shut up and read the comic and only talk if your role playing

Suddenly we hear the front door open and close

Alice:Do you have a roommate?

Cole:No,it might be my parents they have a key

I pull my pants up and go downstairs

I go down slowly to not make any noise,I grip my glock tightly ready to pull the trigger in case I come across any unwanted visitors

I peer around the corner

A dark figure is in the kitchen

I point my gun at their stomach

The figure is too tall to be my dad

And I don't know anyone this tall

I pull the trigger

The figure screams and falls

I turn on the light


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