Accidents Happen

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Miles:Blonde hair,blue eyes,45

I run over to her

Cole:Lilith what the hell are you doing!?

Lilith:I left my spare hockey stick here last time I came over I was looking for it! Why did you shoot me!?

Cole:I thought you were an intruder! And why were you looking for your hockey stick in the kitchen?

Lilith:I wasn't Hunter said she left her key here and asked me to get it for her since I was coming over here

Cole:How did you get a key?

Lilith:Hunter gave it to me

Cole:Oh shit I fucked up,we gotta get you to the hospital!

Alice walks in

Alice:What was that noise I-oh my god what did you do!?

Cole:I thought she was an intruder we need to get her to a hospital!

Lilith:No I'll be fine

Cole:Lilith your not fine you could bleed out

I put Lilith's arm on my shoulder and wrap my arm around her waist

I help her up

Alice gets on the other side of Lilith and we help her to my car


Cole:Is she gonna be ok!?

Nurse:Your friend will fine,she lost a lot of blood though and we don't have her blood type,so unless one of you two are her blood type or you know anyone that's her blood type she'll have to stay in the hospital until we find someone with her blood type that's willing to donate

Me and Alice look at each other

Lilith has a rare blood type

Me and Alice are her blood type though

Cole:I'll do it

Alice:No I'll do it,she's my wife

Cole:But I'm the whole reason we're in this mess,if I hadn't shot her we wouldn't be here right now

Alice:Why didn't you recognize her?

Cole:I don't know,she's taller then my dad and I guess I never actually realized how tall she was until after I shot her,I deserve to go to jail

Alice:No you don't,for all you knew she could have been a murderer or something

Cole:If I had actually paid more attention I might have realized it was her,but I get distracted easily because of my ADHD

Alice:ADHD? I didn't know you have ADHD

Cole:I try to control myself but it's really hard,that's why I've never had a girlfriend,they don't like being around a spaz like me

Nurse:So who's gonna donate?

Alice looks at me

Cole:I am

Nurse:Ok come with me

I follow the nurse and she has me sit down in a chair

Nurse:I'll be right back

Cole:It's not gonna hurt is it?

Nurse:You might feel a little pain after and while the needle is being inserted,it's kinda like a flu shot,you might get a bruise on your arm but the pain should go away after a day or two


Nurse:There's nothing to be afraid of,you won't feel any pain while the blood is being drawn

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