The Surprise

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Cole:Up you go,and down you go

Dash laughs

Miles:Babe I need to talk to you

Cole:Ok,let me just put the baby down for her nap

I rock Dash to sleep and put her in her crib

I go back into the living room and sit down

Cole:So what's up?

Miles:I don't know how to tell you this

Cole:Tell me what?


Cole:Baby what's wrong?

Miles:I'm pregnant


Miles:I'm pregnant

Cole:B-But how? We haven't done it that many times I don't even think we did five times

Miles:I don't know but I missed my period and the test was positive,I thought it was a false positive but I went to the hospital and they said I'm pregnant

Cole:How long have you known?

Miles:A few days,I didn't want to tell you right away because I was afraid you would leave me

Cole:I would never,your the first woman that didn't care that I was spazzy

Miles:I like when your spazzy,it's cute


Miles:But you have those girls your friends with

Cole:Well their on my hockey team and I mean your the first woman who's ever wanted to date me because you didn't care I was spazzy,Alice was just a one night stand,maybe it would have been different if we didn't go to the hospital

Miles:But I wouldn't have met you

Miles grabs my hand and I smile

Cole:So is there any other kids you have that I don't know about?


Cole:Wait are you serious?

Miles:There is one more,she's 4

Cole:Where is she?

Miles:She's at my parents house right now,she wanted to stay with my parents for awhile and it's been almost two months so I was gonna pick her up and introduce you to her when I got home

Cole:So were you gonna pick her up like right now?

Miles:I was gonna pick her up in like half an hour,I wanted to give her time to pack her suitcase

Cole:Can I come?

Miles:I don't see why not

Me and Miles watch tv for about twenty minutes then get ready to go to her parents house

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