Taking Over

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Cole POV

Cole:You want me to what!?

Miles:I just want you to take over for me,it's not permanent

Cole:I can't do that I don't know how to run a mafia

Miles:I've got that all figured out,all the orders are right here on this piece of paper,just say the persons name and tell them what they have to do they'll do it immediately

Cole:But people are gonna know I'm not you what if they ask questions?

Miles:Trust me they won't ask I had to do this the last two times I was pregnant,they'll just ask you for your name

Cole:You don't,kill anyone do you?

Miles:No we just help catch people and put them in jail

Cole:Where do I even go?

Miles:It's on the paper


Miles:Now go! You have to get there by three you'll be late

Miles shoos me out the door and I drive to the location


I get out of my car and look at the building,it's a big abandoned factory

Miles made me wear all black and an eye patch for some reason

I grab the piece of paper and walk in

I hold my gun ready to take it out of its holster and look around

There's old rusted machines everywhere and it's quiet

Too quiet

I hear tires screech outside and whip around pointing my gun at the door

A woman walks in

She was dressed in all black and had an eye patch as well

Except her hair was silver

Not white,silver

She had a strong British accent

Unknown:Who are you?

Cole:Who are you?

Sable:I am Silver Sablinova,owner of Silver Sable International,now,who are you?

Cole:I'm Cole,I was told to come here

Sable:Are you running the meeting?

Cole:I guess,are there more people coming?

Sable:They should be here soon

Ten minutes later

Tons of people were in the abandoned factory now

There were men and women,some were black some were Asian,some looked to be Mexican but I'm not really sure,everyone was in all black and had an eye patch

The paper said to go the back of the room where there was a podium,I walk over and place the paper on it

I start reading off the paper and Silver Sablinova,or Silver Sable for short,walks up and stands next to me

Cole:Attention Wild Pack!

Everyone stops talking and looks up at me

Cole:The meeting is now in session! We have been informed that a very dangerous criminal has escaped prison! It is our job to find him and throw him back in jail where he belongs! We suspect that he is hiding out in his girlfriends house! We need someone to go there and check the place out! Is there anyone who would like to do this job!?

A few people raise their hands

I point at a woman


Sablinova whispers

Sablinova:Samuel,the man next to her is Victor,have him go with her their one of the best teams we have

Cole:Samuel and Victor you two go together

The man and the woman nod and walk out

Cole:Ok next

I look down at the paper

It says Jenny Mullen,then has a slash and says Clarice Starling

Cole:Are these two different people?

Sablinova:No it's the same person,she has two different names

Cole:Which one do I use?

Sablinova:Either one it doesn't matter

Cole:Ok Jenny! There's been a reported rape at a house on fifth street! We need you to question the victim and find the person who did it! The victim is a boy and said the attacker was a male! Get all the information you can and do not return until the man has been captured!

A red headed woman leaves

Cole:Ok next

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