Author's Note

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I have been thinking of the moment when FPN would be over for a long time. And now that this crazy, zany, wild story of mine is finally “over”, I find myself at a loss for words.
I started Front Page News in June of last year, about a month after I’d watched CLOY. I was lying in bed one night, thinking to myself: “Man, CLOY’s fake dating scenarios were amazing, I love fake dating! Under what conditions could fake dating happen?” and my mind conjured up the elevator kiss scene in Chapter 1. Within a week, I’d written the first four chapters of this story (an unheard-of occurrence from me). Everything spiralled from there.

This story has been... a constant companion to me during the pandemic. At some point, I was simply writing chapters just to make myself laugh, because everything was so bleak at the time. And as Reporter Se-ri and CEO Jeong-hyeok grew, I grew with them, too. They feel like friends to me now.

I’ve never, ever completed a story in my life before. It feels strange that the first should be this random AU I came up with, but somehow, I guess that’s what I needed this past year.

To anyone who has been here since the beginning, thank you so much. To anyone who read for a little while and came back, thank you, too. I hope that this story could make you smile in some way, like it did for me.

A few fun facts about FPN that I’ve always wanted to share with you:

1.Originally, Alberto wasn’t supposed to be in here. I got the idea because Edna told me that she hoped that Seo Dan would be happy in the end, so I devised this FWB relationship for them that I thought would fit their nature :)

2. The Jeong-hyeok paying off Se-hyeong point also wasn’t supposed to be in there. That was me being impulsive. I hope I wrapped that up at last, sorry it took so long!

3. Riri weren't supposed to get together till the very end. They revolted against that plan in Chapter 18, as you can see.

4. I was very influenced by Old Hollywood screwball comedies when writing this story. In fact, the first drafts of this story are actually called “His Girl Friday” after the Cary Grant movie from the 1930s :)

5. My favorite chapters of this story are: Chapter 8 (which took me 3 weeks to write), Chapter 12 (which took me one day to write), Chapter 16, Chapter 22, and Chapter 26 (The Reunion)

A few thanks are in order as well. One of the sweetest parts about writing this story is that I got to meet a lot of wonderful people through it. For me, writing had always been a solitary activity, but so many kind people on different platforms (Twitter, Tumblr, AO3, Wattpad) made me feel like I was part of a bigger community.

To my twinnie @Claire_ry6 - thank you for your constant hype, your life coaching, your beautiful graphics and good edits, and the inspiration you’ve always provided me. I’m so lucky to have met you in this fandom and I can't wait for more adventures of the dramatic duo <3

To Doc S, my Binjin confirmation buddy: thanks for being a wonderful, brilliant friend, doctor, and fellow writer. Chapter 22 is one of my favorites thanks to your suggestions! 

To my buddies UbiquitousShips, my HHs and especially hoe daughternim Madz, My Po Ji’s Belle Eun Dong and Zee Chi Su, thanks for always cheering me on and coming up with fun headcanons <3 You’ve made the FPN universe - and my real life - so much more lively. And any other friends whom I couldn't mention here, I'll try my best to thank you personally.

Armani @binjintingz, bestie, I don’t know what to tell you. I think I might actually start crying at this point. It feels like just yesterday that I made you read the deer chapter (15, for reference) and was dying of laughter at your reaction. Much of the fun of writing this story has been sharing it with you. Thank you for dealing with the laughter, the tears, and the screams. The Hye-ji to my Se-ri (or the other way around), wouldn’t have it any other way :)

And lastly, the one who made me start taking my writing seriously, my first friend in this fandom - I have to thank the inimitable and kind QUEEN @EdnaMode101. Edna, thank you for your tireless editing of this work. If this fic is a baby, then you’d be it’s godmother or cool aunt <3 <3 From punching up jokes to fixing my really random sentences, you’ve been the true MVP. I can't express how thankful I am. I hope that your favorite couple, Seo Dan and Alberto, have had an ending that you can enjoy!

Signing off, much much love,

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