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Elena Amelia Gilbert. That's my new name. It's been three weeks since I was born and I'm still processing. I must be delusional or something. Is someone playing a bad joke on me? Am I on a television show for the love of gods? That was not on my wish list, thank you very much! This is not happening.

I won't allow it. How could I? How could anyone?! How could God?! How could he put me on this fucking show as Elena fucking Gilbert dull as dishwater? Literally, everyone dies at some point because of this idiot doppelganger bitch 4.0, and I'm his she. I shouldn't even exist. So how am I here? Why am I here?
I can't make everyone die because of this lookalike or any other lookalike. That has to change from now on. My soon to be born little brother and my aunt Jenna will be my top priorities. You would think that my parents should have been my first priority, right? WRONG. I won't let my brother die at all, or Jenna.

Anyone else has to get in line. As soon as Jeremy and Jenna are able to understand everything, I'll tell them all about the supernatural. He'll grow up knowing that vampires, werewolves, and witches are real, whether he likes it or not. And as soon as I'm old enough to not be considered a joke by Jenna, she'll know about it so she can protect herself.

And even though I was a grown woman in my past life, I have to make sure that most of our childhood so that nothing bad happens to us. It would really suck if I had to die at a young age before fulfilling my goal of breaking Niklaus' curse or providing this doppelganger blood to travelers, which I hope we can avoid.
Soon I will meet Katerine.

I hope we will get along in the future because I would hate to have to kill her before her time.


1 year old
It's my first birthday. Mom Miranda gave me a wonderful birthday party.
It was very nice of her.
All the kids were there with their parents, Liz and Bill and came with Caroline, then Mayor Lockwood and his wife came to drop Tyler off because he had an event to attend, and then Sheila and Abby Bennett came with Bonnie.

Kelly Donovan came to drop off her children, Matt and Vicki.
We had a great time, then we cut and ate the homemade cookie cakes and children's muffins, and finally we all had sweet treats.
I made friends, not officially because he still doesn't talk, but I'm glad I met the TVD cast of Bonnie, Tyler, Caroline, Matt and Vicki.

I am still very embarrassed when they feed me or change my diaper and I can't feed or dress myself.
I hope to be done with baby status as soon as possible.
But soon, I really hope to be able to change the plot of the TVD story for the better.
2 years old
A lot has happened in my two years. First, mom Miranda found out she was pregnant and told me I was going to have a big sister soon and I promised myself I would be the best new big sister Jeremy could have, just like Elena from the show.

I am now 2 and have met Aunt Jenna a few times. I like her, she is so sweet and funny. Also, meet John and he doesn't seem as bad as in the show, but I still don't like him and Grayson for torturing and killing vampires and being all ''I do it for real''
Then, at a dinner party hosted by my parents, I ended up meeting his best friend who happens to be Mason Lockwood and after that, I made my first move towards Aunt Jenna.

Two weeks later
But as a baby, I had a great time playing with Miranda and Grayson. I keep them up all night if I'm awake crying or screaming.

I ended up catching Daddy Grayson on the phone talking to someone named Weston and he was very angry at the person and ended up saying the word "crap" so I waited for Mommy to come home from the grocery store, when she finally did she asked me how my day was and I said "crap" then she asked me where I learned that word and I ended up pointing at Daddy and she ended up taking me to my room and then I heard her and Daddy fighting.

When I'm older I'm going to free Enzo, and help Klaus break his curse, they are two of my favorite characters and I can't wait until then.
3 years old
My adorable little brother Jeremy was born a few months ago now and he is so precious! Every time I go into his crib to play with him, he gives me the cutest toothless smile ever I thought it was hilarious, cute that he obviously has a favorite
I started daycare a while back, as did Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and Tyler. As soon as we got there, we basically drifted into our own friends.

I had Caroline, Tyler, Bonnie and Matt. Caroline was friends with everyone but stayed by my side the most, which I love.
I thought the whole situation was awesome. So great.

4 years old
Mother, while she does love me and Jeremy,. My father, however, is really Team Jay. There are 4 of us now, and Jeremy has been adopted into my little group of friends. A 3 year old he might be, but a 3 year old he doesn't seem to be.

One day, we were playing our favorite game, I saw Mikael and froze. But soon my mind starts working again and like a normal child would, I start crying, when Tyler, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy follow me and they start crying, the parents rush to us.
Later that day I was with Aunt Jenna and the parents.

Mikael had been desiccated by Bonnie's mother and, according to canon she abandoned her and her family. I kind of feel like I can relate, because in my past life I lost all the people I had left. The difference is that she has her father, her Grammys and we who are her friends.
I convinced my parents to give me an allowance of 50 dollars a week. They shrugged and quickly agreed even though I am only 4 years old.
5 years old
It was October when I officially met Vicki for the first time. I may or may not have accidentally bumped into her while playing with Care during recess. I didn't even notice it.
"Sorry." I told her. I didn't mean to run into her.

"I'm sorry too." She said awkwardly as she looked at Caroline, Bonnie and me. "What were you playing?"
"Hide and seek for now." Little Bonnie and Caroline stay together happily.
"Do you want to play with us?" I ask her as I see Caroline and Bonnie nodding their heads excitedly.

"Yes," She says shyly. Vicki is adorable.
"I'm Elena, these are my friends Bonnie and Caroline. "
"I'm Vicki "and that's how she ended up quickly joining our group of friends.

3 pov:
While Elena was sitting with Caroline Bonnie and Vicki, who were playing with Barbie dolls. Suddenly, Elena's head started to hurt.
At first she felt a sharp pain in her head and then she started to feel a tingling sensation which meant that her magic had arrived.

Elena thought that in what year she would go to see Sheila Bennett so that she could teach her how to use her magic afterwards, she knows passed out.

Elena's friends went to their parents who were present and explained the situation to them, they quickly called Grayson and Miranda.

Miranda and Grayson quickly took Elena to the pediatrician. She was sick and had a lot of headaches. They wanted her to have an examination to find out what was wrong with her.

The pediatrician said that she had contracted a virus and that is why she had fainted and had a fever and would have to stay in bed for 2 days to give her medicine and wait for the fever to go down.

Afterward, all the children in Elena's group were tested to see who had been exposed to the virus and the results came back negative.

N/A tell me what you think about this chapter?

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