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Year 6

It's my sixth birthday, but whatever. Miranda threw a birthday party for me. All my friends were there, Bill and Liz were there too, she looks so weird with the long hair, honestly. Mayor Lockwood and his wife, Carol, came.

Even Kelly Donovan was there, and she brought Vicki, who looks like an absolute angel, despite the fact that she grew up to be an addict.

We had fun, ate cake and ice cream and played with toys. It was nice to have friends, I didn't have many in my past life, and I kind of regret that, so I made a vow to myself. I will protect everything I consider mine, forever. I won't let Vicki die, she was a beautiful bitch, but she didn't deserve that at all. And I sure as hell won't let her resort to drugs, for anything.

I won't let Tyler turn into a werewolf against his will, only if he chooses to be one, so I will help and support him every step of the way.

And I hope to avoid the situation where Caroline's mother is dying. I can't cure the cancer, so for now, she has to have regular medical checkups.

I don't know if Caroline will become a vampire, I'll have to inform her and Vicki of the pros and cons and let them decide before Katherine kills her and Damon kills Vicki. That way they will have the choice of choosing the canon path or creating their own.

I just hope that by being here, it will change a lot of things for the better.

Caroline, Bonnie, Vicki and I also started participating in dance, gymnastics and cheerleading classes. Tyler finally convinced the team to take basketball classes with Jeremy.

Tyler and I also wanted to try boxing and after a lot of convincing with the help of Uncle John, we were able to do so.

Our whole group of friends joined us at the court, Vicki was forced by her mom to go with Matt.


Year 7

She started planning what she wanted to do, so she waited until her parents left for a party to search her office to find out where Enzo was.

But she ended up finding more than Daddy Grayson's notebook at age 7. Not by accident, mind you, she had to pick the lock on his desk drawer, but it seemed the easiest way to get him to tell the truth.

She tried to prepare herself for its contents, but clearly underestimated what it was capable of doing.

She ended up finding a book that talked about the "Augustine" secret society, which is a secret society located at Whitmore College.

The members know about vampires and have performed experiments on them. They are known to gather in the Whitmore house to identify potential candidates who prove themselves worthy of being one of them.

The members who are part of the Augustine are:

Dr. Whitmore

Grayson Gilbert

Dianne Freeman

Wes Maxfield

and Maggie James who is deceased †

The Augustine Society has been in existence for over 60 years as it should have already been taken care of.

The purpose of this society is to do research on the vampire organism, to see up to or until they can go along with their healing as well as their supernatural "powers."

This society holds Enzo (a vampire who spent 70 years in this society for experiments and a former friend of Damon's) and then Damon who escaped.

After finishing the book and learning all the information she would need to save Enzo, she put the book away and left Grayson's office as she found it and quickly slipped into her room when she heard the sound of the front door opening.

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