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    It was Friday morning at it was time for Avalon's funeral. Not many people came.....considering that no one really knew Avalon since I recently found out about her. Me, my mother, Jacob and the kids and our friends came along at the funeral home. She looked so beautiful and peace ful....and lifeless.

"This is all my fault." I sighed. Jacob laid a hand on my shoulder. "Not it's not, this was no one's doing." I stared at Avalon that was in the casket surrounded by flowers. 

"Why?" Why did this have to happen to her.

"Chres?" I looked up to see....Adalyenn?

"What are you doing here?" I asked as she made her way to where I was.

"I heard about what happened from Jacob and i thought I'd come back and pay my respects," she gave me a sad smile. "Chres I'm so sorry..really I am. I know I was...crazy and a little jealous but, now I see your clearly over me."

"Thanks Adalyenn."

"I'll still always love you Chres, and thanks." 

"For what?"

"For making me come to my senses of what I was doing...I want Deme to be happy and I don't think I'm that person to do so...so thanks." she gave me a small kiss on the cheek and walked away to be where Deme was.

After the funeral, everyone went back to Jacob's and 's house for some food and drinks and get to be together. Man, can Jacob cook or what? I was still down about Avalon. It's like I felt like she went upset with me, I wanted to talk with her but I didn't know she'd go this fast.

"You ok?" Jacob asked sitting next to me?" I nodded.

"Yeah I'm good, just still upset that I didn't get to have at least one talk with her."

"Yeah....I feel bad about being mean to her before but that was all before her sickness."

"I know, but she's still with you at heart." Yeah, she was. So for the rest of the day, we eat, laughed and talked to celebrate Avalon's life. She would of wanted it....well I guess she would.

"Mom? how do you feel?" she sighed. "I could be better...just...why now? I thought we had more time with her." I sighed.

"Mom, you know you could have just told me all this waay long ago." she nodded.

"I know, I should have. I just didn't know what would happened if I told you so I kept t to myself."

"Well, regardless, now's the time to come together..no more lies, and no more drama." I know I've lied and everything, that's why I think we should all just start fresh. Adalyenn had a change in heart. But I don't think it would be good to stay in contact. Only through Deme, that's all. Walter and her finally got on the right foot so that's good, and I still have my job and Jacob's love for the arts continues so my life is where it should be once again. My mother smiled and nodded giving me a hug and a kiss.

"You're right," I smiled and the two of guys when back to join everyone else and got our party on.


-Sorry if the ending was crappy..

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