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It's been a few weeks and my belly's slightly bigger. Thank god no one at school doesn't expect a thing. I really didn't even wanna come to school today. I was glad that no one knows about anything and that everyone's just going on their life's.

"You!" I whipped around to see...Jenny.  "It's you that took Micheal away from me! how dare you?!"

"Me? he got bored with you so now that's why he's with me." I snapped. She growled at me. "This ain't over, you're lucky that I don't end your life right here right now but.....I'm not even gonna say nothing more." She walked away from me with her little....herd. I sighed as I walked down the hall.

"Hey baby, you ok?" I looked up to see Micheal. "Oh hey, yeah I'm fine I guess..."

"No your not, I saw what happened over there....forget about her, she's just mad cause she can't have me anymore." I smiled at that. "So.....you told your 'rent's?" 

"I did and....well they ere mad but not that mad like I thought.....well, my dad's pretty pissed but my D.M. took it well."

"They agreed to abortion?" He asked. I nodded. "They have to have your parents here too at our house so e can talk."


"Tomorrow night," I sighed. "This is just too much for me.."

"I know baby, soon this will be all over and behind us." He gave me a little arm smile. We said our goodbyes and then went on with the day in our classes.


         "You wanna what?" I was talking with my mom into taking me back to see.....Chres and Jacob. I know I'm still mad at them but, I can't be forever. Besides, I miss them and even though Chres wasn't my real father, he still took care of me as his own. I even asked my mom about my REAL father but all she said was that he was a deadbeat...whatever that is....

"Yeah, I wanna see them and my sister and brother."

"They aren't your siblings." She snapped.

"I know that but it would hurt to go see them." I mumbled.

"Yeah well I'm just saying." I know I wanted to move here but now, it'd getting to be a bit depressing. I mean, I don't really do anything with Carlos. All he does is smoke and drink. My mom, she just all...crazy and uptight. I thought she wanted me here in the first place so now that I'm here, what's the problem?! I sighed as I went back to my room. This sucks.


What Deme said got to me, I wanna see Chres again. I hate that he moved on and with that bitch Jacob. Maybe we should go back, I can surprise Chres with Deme and then me and him could talk. I walked back in Deme's room and smiled. 

"I thought about what you said baby and I think we should." His face lit up getting out of bed. "Really mommy?!" I nodded.

"Yeah, we can leave first thing in the morning, so start packing." He excitingly started taking all his clothes and things into all his bags and I did the same.

"Where you going?" Carlos asked me.  Don't get me wrong there was a minute where I loved Carlos but then I put that out my head. Forever.

"Back to see Deme's family." Carlos frowned. "Your going back there? why?"

"So Deme can see his family like I said....problem?"  I snapped. He then sat up in the bed.

"No, just.. why go back? we hate them for taking that little brat in the first place. You don't even want him." Yeah yeah I never really wanted Deme back as much as I thought I did. I just wanted him so he wouldn't be with Chres and his stank family anymore. He is my son anyway.

".....Want me to come babe?"

"Oh no I don't wanna bring you into this, it's best if you stay here." He gave me a look.

"You sure?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm positive." I smiled. "We'll be back in about.......a couple of weeks, that's all."

"OK if your sure." He said taking a sip from his drink.

"Hey, do you have some blow?" I asked. "It's been a while." He smirked throwing me the bag. 

"I figured you can take that with you." I smirked giving him a kiss. "Thanks babe." I do love Carlos, but Chres still has my heart. My heart will always be with him. I can't just let him go.


Oh boy this can't be good. Avalon's pregnant? when- oh now I remember..never mind. I looked at the women that could be carrying my child.

"How far are you?" I asked. "Oh I'm not pregnant," My face frowned. "But I once was..." Once was...what the hell is she talking about?

"What the hell-?"

"Chres?" Jacob walked in the kitchen with a worried face. "What's going on?"

"N-Nothing just...getting to know one another. That's all." I gave Avalon a look saying we NEED to talk later. She nodded, simply getting the message walking off with the face of victory. -_-

"You don't look well baby," Jacob hugged me from behind. "What were you talking about?" I couldn't tell Jacob that Avalon's preg- well was pregnant, he'll leave me again. Probably divorce me all over again. I can't have that. I been without him for too long, 3 years is too long. I can't loose him...but so many shit is happening.

Lord give me strength..


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