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          I opened my eyes and saw that it was night fall. Shit. Chres and I were still on the couch. I guess they saw us. Oh well, it's my house what of it? I got myself up from a sleeping Chresanto and put on my clothes. I notice that the kitchen light was still on. I was about to walk in when I heard voices. 

"You said you'd have the money," A voice said which sounded like Jayden. "Where is it?"

"I said I'd have the money, right? have some fucking patience." Money?

"Don't forget, 20 g's each." David said. My eyes widen, she was paying them? for what? I knew that was my time to walk in there and get some answers. "What the hell are you guys talking about?" everyone's faces were either  shocked or scared...or even mad.

"It's none of your business." Hayden growled. 

"Bitch, this my house." I growled back. Avalon got up, putting her finger sin my face. "Don't talk to her like that."

"I can talk to her anyway I fucking want. She was being rude the whole day anyways."

"Whatever the point is, whatever you heard, keep it to yourself. You ain't hear shit." I gape at her, was she for real? Why would I keep this to myself? I'm telling Chres.

"And if I don't?" She raised a brow. "Let's just say your kids isn't gonna be in your presence anymore."

"If you hurt my kids!" I yelled. "What's all this yelling?" Chres had on sweats and no shirt. Thanks alot. "Chres they-"

"Dad, get your little housewife..or man whatever the hell you call yourself." I mean mugged Hayden. Something about these twins. Ugh! David was the only one that didn't really insult me but I don't like him either.

"Don't talk to Jacob like that alright? look can we all just go to bed?" he sighed. Everyone walked out the kitchen turning off the light but it was turned back on. I looked and saw Avalon.

"I'm warning you bitch, your snitch and you and your family are dead."

"And I suppose to be scared?" I frowned. I'm Mexican, she don't know man!

"You better be, I got people and they can get rid of you." She smirked. I smirked back.

"And I got my own people as well," (Yeah, I didn't forget Marcus and Brianna and Shey and Julie.) "You don't scare me, you never did."  she rolled her eyes turning off the light. "Whatever, and tell Chres he's got sexy abs." she laughed as I wanted to choke her up right then and there but I didn't wanna wake anyone up. I sighed going into the bedroom where Chres was waiting for me. "What happened?" he asked. Fuck what she said, I was going to hell him. He was my husband. "I don't think Avalon's kids, are her kids."

Chres sighed. "Jacob not this again."

"Why not this again? look, I'm telling you this cause I love you, I don't wanna loose you. Too much shit already done happened already."

"Yeah but c'mon this can't happen again."

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"Jacob-" I stamped my foot which I know what childish but hey, I needed to let out some anger.

"I really can't believe you, you're doing it again, your ignoring me and putting these people before me."

"Don't take it too personal baby, I haven't been there for them." he went to grabbed me but I moved away.

"Yeah, you weren't cause you're not their fucking father." Chres sighed. "Dammit Jacob, stop being jealous." I looked at him like he was crazy."


"OK now-"

"CRAZY??!" I yelled. not caring if I woke up anyone. I was pissed right now, pissed that this shit was starting to become a fucking cycle. How can Chres not believe me? huh? and I am not jealous! I'm trying to look out for my family.

" Look, not everyone in this world is a criminal bae."

"Yeah and not everyone in this world had a good heart 'bae' ." I rolled my eyes. "I'm sleeping on the couch tonight....mater of fact, you are." Chres frowned. "What?"

"You heard me, get the stepping!"

"I'm not sleeping down there."

"You did before so you're going to do it again."

"God Jacob this is crazy, Avalon's my sister."

"Yeah, your nasty fucked up sister."

"I don't like them as much as you do but their are my kids so I have to get to know them better." I sighed. How can I make him understand?

"You know what? I'll sleep downstairs."

"What? Jacob-" before he could finish, I already left.


                 I can't believe he's saying the same thing again! I sighed. I had to talk with Avalon. I knocked on her door and waited for her to open it. When she opened it, I pushed past her. "We need to talk."

"Well damn then." I sat on the bed and looked at her. "Jacob says the 'kids' are not mines....is he lying?" she was silent for a while. "....So your just gonna believe him?"

"Well....he's my husband. I can just ignore what he's saying to me."

"They are yours Chres, stop listening to that bitch you call-"

"Stop right there, don't call Jacob out of his name anymore Avalon. If were gonna be family, we gotta learn how to love one another." she sighed but nodded. "Tell him that, he said he was gonna get people on me." he said that?

"Well, I'm going to bed, maybe we can do something tomorrow, movie?"

"Yeah that would be nice." she smiled. I smiled back and was about to leave the room when Avalon called me back.


"...I still love you Chres, remember that." I sighed and nodded as I left the room. Well, at least she didn't try anything.

Fuck My Disability! (Book 4)✔Where stories live. Discover now