Why is She Back?

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This chapter will be done entirely in Tsuchi's POV

God, why isn't she leaving my mind.

She looks as beautiful as she did when she was living.

I couldn't help but let out a groan of frustration at these thoughts bouncing around in my head. (Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)... her curves, the way she gave that nervous look... it makes me regret how I treated her in life.

  I know I was wrong for doing what I did, but she was just moving so fast. Then there was the whole student dying thing.. and now she's a school wonder. I have no idea how I never noticed her. Maybe Hanako wanted that way. Maybe she requested not to see me. It doesn't matter. She's back, and I need to get to talking to her again.

   Yako told me that (Y/n) didn't want to see me. That seems awfully out of character for her, but I'm not surprised. I treated her like shit before we died. It isn't fair for me to try to be back in her life after that. I might give it a shot, give her a little check in...

Bad idea. Very bad idea.

That went horribly. I was still a jerk- why was I being a jerk. There wasn't a reason at all. She was kind as always. Why was I so cold in response?


I asked Yako to talk to (Y/n) and it.. didn't turn out well. She said (Y/n) exploded on her, so yeah. Not good.

Well, I'll just leave (Y/n) alone for a bit. I think she just needs some time is all.

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