🔞 Let me try something 🔞

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(Three weeks later)
3:25 Pm Outside of Kaibara Municipal High

The new term has just started and Tohru's already feeling overwhelmed, luckily she has the next three days off of work to focus on studying. Reaching the trios usual meeting spot she pulls out her phone, immediately going to photos she goes to her "secret" gallery and gushes over the cute pictures she and Kyo took the other day. It's been a few weeks since they told each other how they felt and a week into "officially" dating, they haven't gotten a lot of alone time but that'll change when they make their relationship public.

Quietly walking up behind her Kyo watches as she scrolls and gushes over the pictures of them, smiling softly he leans down and plants a soft kiss on her neck "Hey cutie, how was class?" He asks stroking her hair. Jumping from the sudden touch Tohru turns her head to look at him "It was good! Being a teachers aid is quite fun" she says with her usual cheerful smile, chuckling Kyo casually puts his hand in his pocket "I think you're the only upperclassman that actually enjoys hanging out with freshmen" "There's actually a lot of seniors in my class, the freshmen are cute though" She says chuckling as Kyo playfully punches her "I do admit I really enjoy teaching them, it just feels right" she says tilting her head.
*bzz bzz* *bzz bzz*
"Oh! Looks like Yuki has a council meeting so he won't be walking home with us" Tohru says quickly checking her phone "Great, now we can do this" Kyo says with a smirk "Wha-" Tohru's cut off by Kyo pulling her into a kiss, moaning softly she wraps her arms around his neck and lightly pulls him in. Pulling back from the kiss Tohru giggles and touches her lips gingerly "I'm still not used to that" she says with a smile, Kyo smirks and begins reaching for her hand "I don't think I'll ever get used to it.." he says while interlocking their hands together. After sharing a brief smile the couple begins their walk home.

After arriving home Kyo calls out to Shigure only for no response "Hmm I wonder where Shigure went?" Tohru questions placing her shoes in her spot, yawning Kyo stretches and begins walking up the stairs "Who cares? The house is idiot free for once" Kyo says chuckling. Following him upstairs Tohru feels that familiar throbbing, biting her lip she glances up at him "Hey, how about we study later?" She asks as she reaches the top "Sure, what do you wanna do instead?" Kyo asks wrapping an arm around her "Well..I was thinking we could cuddle, since no ones home..we don't have to sneak around" She says with an innocent smile. Blushing slightly Kyo nods and holds her hand "Well let's get to it, who knows how long we'll have" he says while leading her to his room, once in there they lay down on his futon and Tohru snuggles up beside him. Looking down at her Kyo begins observing his girlfriend's beautiful body, going from the small of her back to her nice ass Kyo can't help but undress her in his mind. Feeling himself harden slightly he tries to change the direction of his thoughts but it's not working, almost sensing his distress Tohru sits up "What's the matter?" Kyo asks terrified that she felt him and is weirded out "Oh nothing~" Tohru hums stroking the side of his face. Leaning into him she whispers "Let me try something.." pulling back she locks eyes with Kyo, she can see they're burning with something. The intensity of his gaze makes the throbbing go crazy, briefly looking down she admires his body. Even in a plain T-shirt you can see his muscles, years of hard work and dedication. Not being able to help herself Tohru reaches out and feels his tight chest, slowly she trails her hand down to his abs. Looking back up at Kyo she flashes a smile before getting on top of him, once comfortable she leans in for a kiss.

Reaching out towards Tohru's face Kyo gently cups it, feeling her push into him he moves his hand to the back of her head and pulls her in. Locking lips they melt into each other, Kyo's hands run down her back and gently rest on her hips as Tohru runs her fingers through his thick red hair. Poking his tongue out he silently asks for more, letting him in Tohru moans slightly as Kyo trails his tongue around her mouth. Hooking her arms around his neck Tohru pulls him in, deepening the kiss.

Kyo x Tohru Lemon Where stories live. Discover now