🔞 Interruptions 🔞

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*The next morning*

Rolling over I groan as I stretch, opening my eyes I try to figure out if I'm still dreaming or not. The sun beam in my eyes tells me I'm in the real world, sighing I sit up and reach for my phone "Nice, it's only 6:05" I think to myself grinning. Standing up Kyo heads over to his door and opens it, peeking around the corner he makes sure the coast is clear before stealthy crossing the hall.

Slowly opening Tohru's door I sneak in, after shutting it I let out a sigh of relief "That's getting annoying" I mumble out with a yawn. Glancing over at Tohru I smile at the sight, her long hair is in a loose bun, her pouty lips are slightly parted, and cutest of all ; she was spooning her pillow. Walking over to her I gently brush a strand of stray hair from her temple, reacting to my touch Tohru jerks her head away. Cracking an eye open she mumbles out "Kyo?" "Yeah, it's me" "Come.." She says while reaching out to pat the empty space next to her, smirking I walk around to the other side of her bed and slide underneath the covers. Careful not to get too close I press into her, unexpectedly Tohru presses back. Feeling myself harden I attempt to move back, only to be followed by her "Kyo.." she sighs out beginning to move her hips. Feeling her rub against me brings back memories of me thrusting into her, growing harder I reach around and grab her breast. Groping it I snake my other hand around her hip and slip a few fingers under the hem of her shorts, leaning over I kiss the base of her neck and begin to run my tongue over the sensitive area. Hearing her soft moans I bite down and fully press into her "Ah! K-Kyo" Tohru moans out with a squeak, groaning in response I fully slip my hand under her shorts. Quickly going to her base I press my fingers into her, jolting from the pressure Tohru stifles a moan. Chuckling I get close to her ear "We'll have to stop this if you can't be quiet." I whisper while beginning to stroke her "K-Kyo ahh~" Tohru moans out while covering her mouth, feeling her buck Kyo knew she was getting close and picked up speed.

"Tohru? Is everything alright?" Yuki's muffled voice brings the teens back to reality "Y-yeah! Everything's f-fine!" Tohru manages to say while Kyo begins to slowly rub her "Are you sure? It sounded like you were crying-"Nope! Not c-crying at all" Tohru interrupts getting a little frustrated at the continued interruption, shaking his head Kyo mumbles "Fucking Rat" and slides his fingers out of Tohru. Whipping her head around Tohru begins to ask why when "Tohru are you sure you're ok?" "Yes Yuki! I'm fine!" Tohru half yells as Kyo gets out of bed, huffing Tohru also gets out of bed. Walking over to him she rests her head on his shoulder "I'm sorry.." "For what? He's the one who ruined it" Kyo says raising a brow "I knoww but I guess I was being too loud.." Tohru says with a blush, chuckling Kyo pats her head "maybe a little bit but that just means I'm doing my job" he says leaning down and kissing her cheek "I'll see you downstairs" Kyo says walking over to her window and hopping out. Shaking her head Tohru gets her clothes together and begins getting ready for the day.

Walking into the kitchen Tohru completely ignores the prepared plate of food and grabs a banana "Not having breakfast?" Yuki asks walking in with his and Shigure's plates "Not hungry." She says turning and walking past him, walking into the hallway she gathers her bag and leaves.

*Lunch 12:33 PM*
Huffing Tohru slides down the wall of the storage shed, opening a notebook all of the annoying things that happened today flood her mind. First it was Yuki interrupting her and Kyo, then it was dropping her books right outside of class and of course her teacher, Mr Mamoto, marked her as late because of it, then it was those annoying girls in class who usually gush over Yuki but this time they were talking about Kyo and how cute he is and how it's so hot when he and Yuki fight. Groaning Tohru rests her head on her knees, she hates how she feels today. She doesn't remember a time in her life where she's been this irritable, and over the pettiest things! She's heard girls gush over Kyo before, granted they weren't dating at the time, but she shouldn't be this upset about it! Before she could think anymore she was greeted with a "Hey babe" immediately feeling relieved Tohru picks her head up and smiles.

Kyo x Tohru Lemon Where stories live. Discover now