🔞 Date Night 🔞

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8:15 pm

After nearly an hour and a half of frantic cleaning, last minute cooking and a shower Kyo finally felt ready. Taking a deep breath he sits down on the couch 'Why isn't she home yet?' He questions pulling out his phone, seeing the time stamp of her last text message reassures him

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
T : [Just got off!! Be home soon 😊💕] 8:08 pm
K : [Be safe <3]            8:09 pm
T : [Will do 😙💕]          8:10 pm
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twenty minutes go by before Kyo starts getting worried, luckily before he could start thinking of all the dumb ways Tohru could get hurt he hears the front door slide open "I'm here! Sorry I'm late the train took forever!" Tohru explains taking off her shoes "and then my phone died so I couldn't even let you know that I was go-" Before Tohru could finish her ramblings Kyo pulls her into a hug. After a few moments of silence Kyo releases her "Hi" he says with a smile, Blushing Tohru smiles back "Hi" she says looking up at him.

Suddenly raising a brow Tohru points at Kyo's shirt "Are you cooking?" She asks starting to walk towards the kitchen "Hey, wait a second!" Kyo calls out grabbing Tohru's wrist "It's not done yet and I figured you'd want to take a shower before, plus it's supposed to be a surprise." Kyo says pulling Tohru in for a kiss, humming Tohru eventually nods her head "Fiiine, I do kinda smell like chemicals.." she says pulling away "Kinda?" Kyo playfully questions. Gasping Tohru lightly hits him and walks up the stairs, chuckling Kyo shakes his head and heads to the kitchen.

-Tohru's Room-

Once upstairs Tohru nearly passes out from the excitement, he showered, he cleaned, and he cooked. This is their first official date, and he's cooking! Grinning Tohru gets together a cute outfit she's been saving and heads to the bathroom, getting in the shower the warm water rushes over her body. Running her hands over herself  Tohru can't help but anticipate later tonight, it's not everyday that they have the house to themselves and especially after the day she's had she definitely needs some..relief 😏. Getting out of the shower she drys herself and wraps the towel around her, doing the same to her hair she looks at herself in the mirror. She can't believe how grown up she feels, here she is getting ready for a date with the guy she loves..smiling at the thought she opens the door and heads to her room.

After getting dressed Tohru decides to throw on a little bit of mascara, then some perfume, she was even getting ready to put on blush before hearing a knock on her door "Tohru?" Kyo questions with a knock. Putting down the makeup Tohru walks over to the door and opens it, gulping Kyo stutters out a "wow" at seeing the tiny dress she picked for tonight. The baby pink dress barely goes to the center of her thigh and the low cut collar shows off her semi-prominent collarbones, her hair's curled and he can smell the perfume Yuki gave her for her birthday. He may not like that stupid Rat but he can admit he knows how to pick good perfume, smiling at her cuteness Kyo holds out his arm and tilts his head in the direction of the stairs "Come on, don't want the food to get cold" "Ooo I wonder what you made?" Tohru questions taking hold of his arm. Chuckling Kyo shakes his head "You're gettin nothin out of me" he says leading her down the stairs, once at the bottom Kyo covers her eyes and guides her into the dining area. Uncovering her eyes Tohru excitedly gasps "You made Yakitori! Oh my god I haven't had that in forever!" She says excitedly turning around to face him "Thank you, Kyo. I bet it's going to be delicious!" She says wrapping her arms around Kyo's body, her excitement is suddenly interrupted by a cloud of orange smoke. Looking down at the now grumpy cat Tohru can't help but giggle "Sorry Kyo, guess I got a little excited" she says bending down, sighing Kyo shakes his head.

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