Its a happy ending after all

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Leaving the real world, Seoyeon let her self walk into nowhere until she went to a place where all things started...

"Why are you here?" The lady with her 50s asked her.

Seoyeon bowed 90 degrees to greet her "i..i... i think i went to the wrong direction" she said trembled.

The lady looked at her shamefully "what an excuse to say that! My. My... if i just know why youre here... get out! I have told you many times to stay away from us!! I never wanted to have a future daughter like you... youll just bring disgrace to our family"

Seoyeon holding her tears began to drop as she saw the man that make her happy at the same time making her heart broke into pieces.

For this time.. He smile.. the burden that she have has faded in just a split second...

"Wake up young lady ! Happy ever after doesnt exsist inreal world.... Youre just leaving in a fairy tale that will never happen..... "

"Seoyeon... " he said on his sweet favorable voice

She chuckled and wiped her tears... calling her name by the man she always dream of...

Its like music to her ears..

"Wake up" he said


"Wake up" he said again

Then she feel something was touching her...

Shaking her shoulder continously...

"Ireonaaaa... ireonaaa...ireonaaaaaa"

She heard a very adorable voice that made her awake.

Its a dream again.

She move to the other side and made a hmmm sound to respond.

"Wake up.. Wake up. here" the adorable voice told her as she feel her cheeks showering of kisses by this kid.

"I know youre awake" the child said but she never responded.

She heard a deep sigh that moved her side of her lips slightly witholding her facial expression to smile.

She feels like the child just starring at her thinking what to do to make her awake.

Seoyeon started to feel a small hands tiptoeing on her shoulder up to her neck. The child started tickling her!

She moved backward and opened her eyes to make a revenge to her little kid that made the kid lose his balance and drop his body on the floor.

Laughter and giggles were echoed all over the place. Its like their house brightened as the voice of the little child's laughter plastered every area.

She started to get up that made the child scream and stood up to run away to her room. Seohyeon followed her from their sala, running up to their kitchen until she trapped him.

"I wont do that again" the child said playfully

"Ready to your punishment mr. ? " she palyfully responded

Seohyeon catches the child and hugged him showered with kisses allover his face.

"Eommaaaa"the child said inbetween his laughter..

She drop her child indian seated to the floor and catches their breath "youve run so fast now" she said.

"Of course ! Harabeoji (grandfather) said i have to be strong so that when hes not around , im here to protect you " he proudly said.

She lughed at him and spread her both arms which her child automatically moved to hug her "and running so fast would protect me huh? " she said bear hug him.

"Hmm! Harabeoji said when bad boys come, we have to run to protect ourselves" then he looked at her "appa said the best thing to do when bad boys come is to run and when that happens, i dont want you to be burden from carrying me"

Seohyeon get touched to her sweet little one and hugged him tightly "youre appa teaches you nonsense things... who would burden? Who would be in danger huh? Aigoooo.. "

He giggles and looked at her "Eomma, i got a star look! " he proudly show his right hand to her "saengsangnim says im good at drawing"

She pinched his nose "as expected... And because of that i have to give you something" She stood up and help her child to stand.

Seohyeon made her child seated on the kitchen table as she opened their refrigerator to get his little ones favorite food and gave it to him.

She cut a sliced of cake to him "Kumawo eomma! " he said happily.

"Youre welcome! " She said looking at her child enjoying his meal.

Her most precious one.

She made a deep sigh and smile looking at her child wondering what would her life withouth her adorable one.

Things went upside down but theres aways been a good results in the end. She thought.

Being on the past dark horrible expereince that always hunt her to her dreams comes to a beutiful and bright reality when she woke up.

Its all in the past now, and this is her life after.

Seohyeon gasped when someone covered her both eyes that made her child giggled. She smiled knowing whos hands is it.

"You gave Joonmyeon a sliced and im not" as he sound unhappy

"Youre too early huh? " i said touches his both hands to take off from my eyes.

"Appa , eomma says it just mine" he playfully said

"Jinja!... aigooo you think you can eat that all? " He said and moved to the other side to seat beside him.

He started tickling him... Seohyeon smiled both of them when her mother instinct work "ya.. Yaaaa.. dont play in the front of the food let Joonmyeon finish it first before you two can play" she said

but they both starred at her "appa, i think eomma is jealous to us"

"You think so? " then they both grinned and looked at her playfully.

"Yaaaa... hajima! " she said "Jin? I dont want to play" she said seriously when both of them take off their seat and slowly walking to her. "Joonmyeon-ah listen to your mom stop it. " but hes just smiling and never she know they immeditly tickled her and made the house brightened again.

"Stop" she said in between her laughs that made the both of them stop "Joonmyeooon? " she looked at her child "you do really want to suffer from this huh? " then she looked at Jin autimatically know what she has thinking.

Joonmyeon slowly stepping backwards giggling "eomma mianheyo" then he immedietly looked at Jin "appa i thought youre on my side? " as he sound betrayed

Jin laughed as he slowly moving to him "really? Did i say that? "

Joonmyeon started to run around the house catching him. And when Jin finally do, they both lean on the sofa palyfully .

Seohyeon looked at them and remembered her dreams.

Its a happy ending after all. She thought.


3 main characters named. :))

I hope you enjoy !

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