First Day of School

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There was a faint smell of sweat and perfume as I walked down the hallways of Hawthoryne Junior High School. Trying to find my first class seemed harder than the rude secretary in the main office let on.i I glanced down at my schedule just to make sure I was where I was supposed to be. Johnson - US History. Well, here goes nothing, I thought as I knocked on the door. A short woman with glasses and short brown hair to match answered the door. "Oh!" She exclaimed as she looked me over, "You must be Taylor. Come on in, Hun." The whole class went silent as they studied me. Judging me. Instinctively, I pulled my sleeves down even further. "Class," Ms. Johnson began, as if the class were still talking, "This is Taylor Bretton." She paused and turned to me, and I guess I was supposed to say something. I cast my green eyes down at the floor, not daring to meet anyone's eyes. "Hi," I mumble, probably looking like an idiot. After a small awkward silence, Ms. Johnson spoke, "You'll sit next to Perrie for now."

I look over to where my teacher gestured and saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair and clear blue eyes. When she noticed that I was staring at her, Perrie looked me over, gave me a disgusted look, and turned away. Jeez, am I really that bad? I straightened out my clothes and walked over to the empty desk. As soon as I sat down, Ms. Johnson launches into her history lecture. To anyone else in my position, that might've been a rude thing for Ms. Johnson to do, but I find myself grateful that she didn't spend too much time talking about me. Getting comfortable in this classroom wasn't that hard; it seemed like the right thing to do to be in this class right now. Most people would probably want to leave and hang out at a place like Starbuck's or chill at home, but I wanted to be in this classroom. It's strange that I feel this way though, since I'm just starting school here. I wonder if all the classrooms are this likable.

"Hey new girl." I hear a harsh nasal voice whisper from my right. To my surprise, the whisper came from the pretty girl sitting next to me. Perrie did seem a little decent before, but after hearing the insensitivity in her voice, I decided she isn't all that anymore. I looked her in the eyes to let her know that I'm listening. "I basically run this school, so watch your back," she says and then she narrows her eyes and gives me the "I'm watching you" gesture. Real mature Perrie. It's not like I even want to be like her, I mean, who wants to be a stuck up popular girl who thinks she can boss everyone around? I guess I'm on her bad side now, although I haven't said a word to her. Well, unless you count my insignificant "hi" to the class. What I don't understand is, how could she think that I would want to be the Queen Bee at this school? No thanks, I think to myself, I already have enough scars and bruises from last time.

I flinch at my own thoughts and memories that resurface, and then pause to glance over at Perrie. Could she be going on the same route that I went? No, she isn't like who I was. Before I could think about the possibilities, the bell rings and it's time to move on to my next class, which happens to be science, my favorite subject in the world. It did take me a few minutes after the tardy bell rang to find the science classroom. Knocking on the door of this room felt so weird, as if I could already tell that this class won't be like the last one. The teacher at the door made himself known as Mr. Norson and sat me next to a boy who looked younger than everyone in the class by at least a year or two. Mr. Norson explained that the boy, known as Trip, will be my lab partner until the end of the year. When the teacher introduced Trip, I heard a few snickers around the classroom and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Trip slide down in his chair. As I walked to my chair, I felt everyone's eyes on me.

Unlike Ms. Johnson, Mr. Norson didn't have the sympathy to let me be. "Taylor? Why don't you share something with the class? Like, what school did you go to before this? Or something you like to do in your free time?" Mr. Norson tried to let me express myself to the class. "I insist," he urged. I looked around and then down at my wrists. Only I knew what lay beneath the clothing. My mind was swimming with things to tell the class. Should I tell them what school I go to? I mentally shake my head. What if they want to find out about me and why I moved, and they hold it over me? I look up, not meeting any of the eyes that are still transfixed on me, waiting for me to say something. "Umm... I like to read," I blurt out. I heard someone try to stifle a giggle and I looked in their direction. The girl trying not to laugh was a redheaded girl with amazing green eyes to match. "Miss Landon, do you need to have another chat with Mrs. Flatts?" Mr. Norson warns the redhead. "No, Mr. Norson," the girl replies with a bittersweet tone. "Very well then," Mr. Norson says as he begins to move on, "Let's go over the Periodic Table of Elements again, since some people just can't get it right."

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