Chapter 2

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I opened the first pages of the book and started reading


I saw something in the shadows.It looked at me with anger and hunger.I couldn't make out what it was exactly but I knew it wasn't friendly.So I went back home running.I couldn't stop thinking about  that person that I saw and wondered who was he.


I went to school like any normal day and that's when I saw the same hooded figure standing in the hallway.I got creeped out and walked away.But that's when it got worse.It started following me the whole day and I kept avoiding it.As soon as school ended I went back home and sat alone thinking it was going to come for me.


The hooded figure never stopped following me.I asked around to see who it was but no one knew what I was talking about.So I had a feeling it was something that was supernatural.I escaped school early that day and went to the library.I went to find out about creatures with red eyes and there was only one thing about vampires.Then I couldn't believe what I was reading and decided to search up any photos on vampire spottings .I saw a picture that looked exactly like that hooded figure in my school.I went back home trying to find a solution to my very big problem.

"Leia!" My dad called from downstairs.I wanted to countinue reading but I knew my dad wouldn't give it up so I went down."I know its been hard for you to fit in but you have to go back to school."my dad said.I hated the idea of school more than anything but I agreed to make him happy."Good!"he said.While I was walking back up,I couldn't help but think about the girl in the journal and what vampire she was talking about.What made me more curious is that I had a feeling that it had something to do with my mom...

Tell me your thoughts on this chapter and I will try to put it in

Hope your liking it so far♦♦😏♥♥♥

Bye for now😍😍😍😍♥♥♥

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