The Newspaper

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Looking at the paper,I realized it was not a coincidence we were in lilly creek and my mom was investigating on it.Most of her files were filled with papers on the supernatural and sightings and I was so confused."How did her work get her killed when its something so silly like this?" I said to myself. I saw there were reports of strange sightings in this town and there was a picture at the front. It looked exactly like the hooded figure I keep seeing. "This town has something weird going on and I'm going to find out,"I thought.
     I went to sleep and dozed off 5 seconds later.


I was walking through my old house.Its walls were covered in mold and decay.Bugs were all over the place and it looked like the house was dying."Omg!",I said loudly. I saw something that scared me.It was a man but it didn't look like a man more of a beast. It was growling ferociously at me."Ahhh!!"I started running away from it but it kept coming closer and closer.I opened the front door and fell right into a whirlpool of light.As I was falling,I heard a voice."Check in the files,find the key,open the box,and see the truth."it said to me. "AHHHH!!" I yelled startled waking up from my dream.

Dream over....

I woke up in cold sweat drenched from top to bottom.Even after what I just saw,I couldn't stop thinking about the voice and what it told me."What box and where?"I said.I was about to go look into my moms files when I realized my alarm was going off.I woke up to get ready for school but i decided I was gonna find out more on her work and why thus town was so special.I got dressed and took a piece of toast off the counter."Thanks dad,"I told him.Before I left,I took one of the files from my moms work to look into it at school. I got to school early and sat in my class before it started and went through the file.I saw articles on bigfoot spottings,and papers on how to kill a vampire but what was the most weirdest was a old tale of lilly creek which creeped me out to the max."Whatcha reading?"."AHHHHHHH!!" I screamed loudly."Oh,sorry to scare you," I heard from Celeste like damn this girl is quick."Well,I don't think you would find much interest in this,"I said."Well I won't know until you tell me,so what is it?" She said excitedly.I proceeded to tell her about the dreams and my mom.I told her about her work and the questions I had." Well what is the story of this place then?" She asked being very serious." It doesn't really matter." I said. "It does Leia ,now tell me the story." She said forcingly. "Why are you so pressed on it,its just a story."I said not understanding her." Just tell the story.she said. "Fine," I said confused.

Story time.....

Once there was a boy . His name was Leo.He was thought to be very handsome and liked by many. But he had eyes for one. A beautiful girl lucy. They fell in love and were together for a very long time.Time soon passed and Leo decided to propose to Lucy .She rejected. When Leo asked her,she never told him. He knew she had secrets and promised her to love her no matter what happens and what did happen. She trusted him and told him the truth. She was a witch. As he said he would be supportive,he lied. He shamed her and told the town to come after her. Heartbroken and sad,she cursed the entire town of lilly creek to be vampires. Leo died before he was cast off the spell and was burned by Lucy never to be seen again.

Story over....

"See,I told you,its just a silly story.Its not like its real or anything." I said to Celeste ." But that's the thing Leia ,its not a story,its the truth..." She said." WHATTTTT .I said shocked and confused.

Dun Dun Dun!!!!!What do you think is gonna happen after this.

Bye for now......♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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