I Like Her

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***A disclaimer: I am using translation apps for these other languages so please don't kill me if they are a bit off. Please do put how they are actually said in the comments if you wish. Thank you <3***

The Quinjet had made it in the air about ten minutes ago. "So, has this been where you were the whole time?" Sam asks me, killing the silence. "No it's where I've been the past month. I traveled around. Different places, different names. " I said vaguely. "Like where?" Steve asks from the pilot seat. "Well, captain, I can't give a full run down but I lived around. France for example, I lived there for a bit." I answered with caution. "You speak French?" Bucky asks me from the co-pilot seat, turning his head to face me best he could. "Oui! Lorsque vous vivez en Louisiane, le francais est couramment parle." (Yes! When you live in Louisiana, French is commonly spoken.) I said in a perfect French accent. "Wow, aren't you a surprise?" Bucky said turning around with a smirk. "You have no idea, Pretty Boy." I hummed out. "What about you guys? I mean, aside from briefly being on the run and saving the world from giant purple alien men with God complexes." I said , repeating the events I've heard on the news. Sam chuckled from next to me, shaking his head at my blunt humor. "Saving the world from other threats, like the one we had to bring you to New York for." Sam answered.

"Sammy, look at you. You're all muscle, I'm might actually struggle pushing you around." I tease trying to get away from the topic of Hydra now. "Well, I haven't been around Grandma Marylin in a while so it's been a minute since I've had that delicious Ramos cooking." He tells me making me laugh. "Yeah, I know how you feel. I miss those crawfish boils back home. Remember when You, Janice Marlade with Me and Marcus Arquette went to one on a double date and he got sick from eating so much and threw up on your date?" I asked giggling at the memory. "Yeah, then they started dating a week later." He added. "Some pickers we are." I claimed dripping in sarcasm. "WE? I remember not wanting to go on that date but YOU talked me into it. I didn't even like Janice like that." He reminded me. "Well it's not like you were asking out the girls you actually liked. I had to set you up with dates all the time, even in college." I argued. "That's not true!" He claimed. "Oh really? And how many dates, pray tell, have you been on since I left?" I asked already sure of his answer. When I was met with nothing but an eye roll, a head shake and silence my smirk grew. "That's what I thought."I can hear the two male super soldiers trying to keep laughter in with our bickering but they weren't doing well at all. Bucky was the first to break with Steve to follow, both chuckling at Sam's expense.

The rest of the flight went by quickly with me asking the two super soldiers some questions to get to know them. I learned that Steve met Sam running laps around him like it was nothing and how he got Sam to help find and keep Bucky safe. I figured out that Sam and Bucky have a unique friendship, which I find hilarious. I also found out that I'll be helping all of the Avengers with this mission, not just them. "Alright we will be landing in about five minutes." Steve announces. "Sweet, I'm starving." I said before looking at Sam with a smile feigning innocence. "Hey, Sammy?" I ask in a sweet voice. "No." He says with boredom. "But- No. Samm- No. Would yo- No." I cover his mouth to stop him from interrupting me, then he licked my hand which caused me to not even move a millimeter. "Hey, Sammy? Do you know everything I've touched today?" I asked with a smirk when his eyes went wide and he pushed my hand off to vigorously wipe his tongue with his shirt.

I laughed and wiped my hand on his shoulder. "Now I'm not cooking you, nothing." He said pointing to me. I shrug with a satisfied smile. "Eh, I was gonna order food anyway, It's been a while since I've had N.Y.C. pizza." I said tapping my foot on the floor as the Quinjet landed in the middle of this really secluded area with this huge building in front of it. "Holy shit." I said under my breath at the view. "Welcome to Avengers Tower 2.0." Sam said getting up. I grabbed my rolling suitcase while Sam had it his own mini-mission to get to my duffel before Bucky, which he did. "Not so fast, White Wolf, I can take MY best friends bag." Sam says throwing my bag over his shoulder and walking away. "Has he always-" "Been that protective of me? When it comes to guys, yes. Don't take it too personal, he's been saving up like seven years of over-protective brother crap and you are, I'm sure, the first of many targets he has. Other targets may include: all men, especially someone my type." I said walking away from Bucky and following Sam into the intimidating building. "Well what's your type?!" Bucky yells as I continue to walk away leaving him with no answer.

"Alright so we can set your stuff in your room on our floor then call the rest of the team up for a meeting, I'm sure they've been trying to guess who our 'specialist' in Hydra hybrids is all day." Sam suggests. "Sounds good to me. So who else lives on your floor?" I ask wanting to know who i'd have to familiarize myself with the most. "Bucky, Steve and myself when I'm not visiting home." He told me to which I nodded. "You need to tell fury that any news, footage or reports of you guys chasing me on the island needs to vanish before anyone from Hydra finds it or worse, Sarah." I reminded him with a lighthearted joke at the end to ease tensions. "How are we going to explain that you aren't dead to everyone back home?" Sam laughed out making me laugh too while shaking my head. "Eh I'll just show up and see how many people notice. Dodge a few thrown shoes and slaps from Sarah and Abuela." I answered with a shrug. "Oh they'll notice, everyone still leaves a flower or candle at the memorial outside Grandma Marylin's witch shop." He says and my heart gets a little heavy as I keep thinking about home. We make it to the elevator and a voice greets us from the speakers. "Hello Sam Wilson and Agent Ramos. What floor would you like to go to?" The female IA voice asks. "My floor, F.R.I.D.A.Y.." Sam requests. "Please." I add, sure its a machine but it still deserves some respect. "Of course, Mr. Wilson. Thank you for your kindness, Ms. Ramos." F.R.I.D.A.Y. says making me smile at Sam to which he rolls his eyes. "The IA already likes you, great." He commented as the elevator started to move.

After showing me around his floor and the room I'll be staying in he brought me to the meeting room where apparently people already where. "C'mon, Fury, what does this guy know about these hybrids that S.H.E.I.L.D. already doesn't? You sent Barnes, Cap and Wilson to get him and we don't even know if his info is valuable." I hear a male voice rant as Sam and I walk towards said door. "Stark, there's things this source knows about Hybrids that I'm sure Hydra doesn't even know." I hear Nick Fury say to who I now Assume is Tony Stark. "Oh? Like what, pray tell?" Stark asks. "Their fight or flight is at an all time high. Senses are tripled meaning: hearing, touch, taste, smell is all sensitive. And they can kill you with their bare hands, no effort or weapons necessary. That is just the surface of my information, Stark." I cut in confidently. Most of the room finding the little moment amusing aside from Stark. "Who the hell are you?" He asks standing up with crossed arms examining me like a possible threat. "I'm your source on the Hydra Hybrids." I inform before turning to Fury.

"Director Fury, nice seeing you again." I greet him with a nod. "Nice to see you still kicking Ramos." He replied with a nod as well. "Well it takes a lot to get rid of me." I say nonchalantly. "Avengers, This is Supervisory Special Agent Armani Ramos. She will be assisting on this mission with info on the Hybrids and fighting tactics if you need to fight some of them off." Nick informs the room full of superheros. I walk next to Fury and Sam goes and sits in an empty chair by the large meeting room table. "No offense but how is she going to help is fight a bunch of hybrid beasts?" Tony asks leaning on the table, arms and legs crossed. I slowly walk over to him and get inches from him before letting a low growl escape my throat my teeth elongate along with my claws and I grab him by his expensive button up and lift him off the ground, my arm fully extended. "I am a hybrid beast, guess you could say I have personal experience in the matter." I say with a smirk before letting the billionaire drop on his feet to the floor. "I like her." I hear Natasha Romanoff say to the room a few of them nodding along. "So, where do I begin?" I ask with a smile.

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