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Armani's P.O.V.

I looked at Sam and Steve, confused at their worried looks. I got off of James' back and grabbed a bottle of water from a mini fridge in here. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. said you guys were fighting." Sam claimed. "Actually I said they were engaged in combat." The I.A. said from above. "Yeah Armani was just giving me a head start on what she's going to be telling us about fighting hybrids." James said wiping some sweat off him with the end of his shirt. "Oh, well then, I guess everything is fine." Steve said a bit of embarrassment radiating off of him. "Yep, now how about some breakfast before I continue kicking, James' ass?" I ask with a smirk.

"You were not kicking my ass." James denies. "Oh I think I was, Pretty Boy." I winked at him before walking past him and the guys nudging them to follow me. "She was not kicking my ass." I hear James say from behind me. "I have a feeling she was, man." I hear Sam say before laughing. We all made it to the kitchen on our floor and I looked through the fridge and cabinets getting all the ingredients for what I was planing on making. "I'll cook, stay out of the kitchen till I'm done." I waved the guys off putting some music on in my headphones. As I start making pancake batter and scrambling eggs the music makes me start to dance a bit, humming along to the songs. 

I'm cooking away to my hearts content when I feel a presence enter the kitchen. "Almost done, just a few more minutes." I say not even looking at who's in the kitchen, my dancing not really faltering much since I'm only really swaying slightly not entirely comfortable enough to go full embarrassment mode yet. "Nice moves, Doll." I hear Pretty Boy say as I hear the fridge open. "Doll, huh? That a forties thing or a James thing?" I ask with a smirk opening the oven to check on the bacon. "Bit of both?" He answers as more of a question. 

I turn and see him resting against the counter a bottle of juice in his hand. "Didn't I say no one in the kitchen?" I ask withy arms crossed. "You also said you were almost done." He says with a grin like a smart ass. I roll my eyes and smile turning my music off. "Food's ready!" I shout and soon the rushing foot steps of Sam runs into the kitchen and he nearly runs me over. Steve comes in at a human pace and not like a maniac grabbing a plate, Bucky and I following. I pile my plate pretty high. I've always had a pretty good appetite, the serum made it even bigger and my metabolism really fast.

"So, Armani, how was your first night?" Steve asked as we ate. "Um, good. Couldn't really sleep but that's normal when I'm in a new place and when the beds are too-" "Soft." The three men finish the statement for me. I laugh a little and nod my head continuing to eat. "I guess you two are familiar, being war vets and all." I tease the two super soldier best friends. "I know Sam knows what I'm talking about since he was there with me." I said pointing to my best friend with my fork. "Yeah, apparently the U.S. Army sleep set up is one of the few things that hasn't really changed since the forties." Bucky says before taking another bite of his food. They seem to really be enjoying what I made since Sam hasn't paid attention to conversation this whole time, his attention completely on the plate before him. 

After breakfast the guys washed the dishes since I cooked and we let it get to about seven in the morning before telling the I.A. to get the team up and ready for combat training. "Hey, Pretty boy since I went over a majority of the stuff with you do you mind being an example when I teach the rest?" I ask James while we all walk to the gym. "Yeah, sure, as long as you don't mind them see me whoop your ass." He says to me making roll my eyes and shake my head with a smile. "Whatever makes you feel better, James." I said patting his shoulder. We went through the gym to the boxing ring with was in a separate room. More cushion outside the ring, for protection I'm assuming. James and I stop next to each other facing everyone and I clap my hands together gaining everyone's attention. "Alright lets get lessons started." I said  

" Uh quick question why is Manchurian Candidate next to you looking all smug?" Tony gestures between James and I. "I did most of the training with him already so, James is going to be my example for today." I said patting James on the shoulder. "Alright rule one: watch for fangs and claws. Hybrids find them handy when wanting to snag an artery. Rule two: Don't push them, their brain operates half on primal instinct half on training. Piss them off enough they go full animal and become unpredictable. Which brings me to rule three: be fast. Playing cat and mouse isn't a great idea, just handle them and move on whether it's knocking them or sending them to an early grave, I don't care as long as the cat never gets the mouse." I said all playfulness removed from my body as I get serious. Their safety insures Sam's I need them on their toes. "Now watch James and I demonstrate." 

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