Sweet Dreams

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Bucky felt like a psychopath, more so than usual. He couldn't stop the invading thoughts about Armani ever since she threw her damn motorcycle at him in Puerto Rico. She's funny but serious and sexy but shy. He felt like his brain had short circuited when they met and it's playing her on repeat. "Where's Armani going?" He asked as he saw her get in the elevator wearing work out clothes. "Bruce is testing some special sedative thing on her." Steve said and Sam nodded before adding his own knowledge on his sister's where about. " Incase there's any other hybrids and we don't have enough man power to fight them the sedative temporarily disorients them so we can continue with the main goal of the mission." Bucky was wary of the serum; what if Bruce got it wrong and she's put in a coma or worse? "What are you worried about her?" Sam asks as he went to get a drink from the fridge. They had all finished eating a little while ago and Bucky stole glances at her the whole time. Every laugh that escaped her pretty mouth when Sam or Steve said something funny or the way her big brown eyes would get even bigger when she had something to add. He was getting it bad for her.

"Just wondering where she was going. I ask Steve the same when I see you leave but that's mostly because I don't want you to come back." Bucky jokes and Sam rolls his eyes with a smirk. "Whatever man just don't get hurt. Mani has always been a bit of a flirt so don't go falling in love with her." Sam says before chugging a bottle of water. "What are you talking about?" Bucky says trying to shove the thought of him falling for Armani out of his psyche. " look I'm not gonna push this conversation but you both have been through a lot of shit. It would be great if ya'll where friends but that should be it. You know I'm right." Sam says making Bucky roll his eyes. "We flirt to get on your nerves Cap but her and I are friends only so don't worry your little bird brain about my feelings." Bucky said making Steve laugh and Sam glare at Steve until he stopped. "I wouldn't worry too much about them, Sam." Steve said clearing his throat.

The three guys were watching a football game when F.R.I.D.A.Y. chimed in. "Mr. Wilson, Dr. Banner is requesting your assistance with Agent Ramos. It seems his sedative did not work properly on her but did make her dizzy and a tad nauseous." Sam was up in a second and Bucky had to keep from following him to check on Armani. Steve wanted to ask Bucky if he did really have feelings for Armani but he didn't want to push. He knew his pal would come to him about it if he needed so he simply kept watching the game but part of Steve wanted the two together. But as said before he won't push Bucky and he surely won't push Armani. "Sam, can we sit down for a sec?" They hear Armani groan as the elevator door opened. "Yeah come on let's sit you on the couch." Sam said as he gingerly walked in the common room where Steve and Bucky were, carrying Armani in both arms as she had her head buried in his neck to try and calm the dizzy feeling. "Ugh this feels worse than freshman year of college. We went to that frat party and the next morning we woke up on the campus mascot statue still drunk." Armani said making Sam laugh and nod his head. "Yeah I remember. I still can't drink tequila because of that night." He told her making her giggle as he set her on the couch that didn't have two super soldiers on it.

"I'll get you some water and a snack. Hopefully it will help." Sam said patting her knee. "Thanks, Sammy." She said ever so softly it nearly melted the three men's hearts. "Banner got you good huh?" Steve asked her as she kept her eyes closed. "Not good enough. I'm supposed to be passed out not seeing five of you." She said peaking her eyes open and indeed seeing five Steves. "But I don't particularly mind it. Especially the five pretty boys next to you." She flirted closing her eyes again. Steve was a tad shocked and bashful about the flirting while Bucky smirked at her remark. "Cute, but keep those pretty eyes closed until the stuff wears off." James said making her laugh and god was it the best sound he's heard in a very long time.

"Don't worry Sargent Pretty boy I already feel a bit better." She said when Sam came back with snacks and a cold looking glass of ice water. "Here I brought saltines, a few cookies, and some other chips as well as a glass of water." He listed off setting all the things on the coffee table near by and helping her sit up. "Thank you Sammy Bear." Armani said referring to him as one of meany embarrassing childhood nicknames as she started chugging the glass of water as soon as it was in her hands.

After a bit Armani decided to get ready for bed. The guys stayed in the living room for a bit but Bucky was itching to spend time with her. Finally when Steve decided it was time to rest up Bucky agreed and Sam as well. Bucky went and knocked on her door when the coast was clear and heard a soft "Come in." There she was on the floor with her hair in braids and dressed in a big shirt sitting on her makeshift bed. "Hey. I just wanted to check on you before turning in." James said and just looking at her made him feel serene. "Thanks, pretty boy. I'm feeling back to normal only a bit light headed." She said giving him a reassuring smile. "Alright, we'll let me know if you need anything. Goodnight, Armani." He says about to leave when "Wait, uh James?" Bucky turns at the nervousness in her tone. "Yeah?" He asks gently. "Have sweet dreams." She decides to say instead of asking for what she really wanted.

Armani didn't want to sleep alone and she felt safe with Bucky but her pride and hard head wouldn't let her ask him to stay. "You too." He said before leaving .

I'm the middle of the night James was awoken to FRIDAY alerting him. "Sargent Barnes, Agent Ramos seems to be having a panic attack in her sleep." James didn't need any more information. He sprung out of bed and stealthily walked to Armani's room seeing her sweaty and hyperventilating body on the floor and his heart broke, knowing that pain all too well. He bent down and grabbed her foot and shook her leg to wake her up but it did nothing. When tears started falling down her face he did the only thing he could think of. Bucky laid next to her and hugged her to him whispering in her ear. "Sh sh sh, it's James. Your at the avenger tower. You're free Armani. You're safe." He whispered over and over and eventually she calmed and sank into his embrace as James fell asleep with her being completely invading his senses.

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