A Banquet No One Will Ever Forget

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Marvi tiredly turned off her alarm and got out of bed. Noon. That gave her plenty of time to get ready for the banquet. It was rather an early banquet. It started at 2PM. She didn't mind.

What mattered is what is going to happen at the banquet. She really hopes the plan will work. No, she doesn't hope that it will work. She knows it will work.

She got a quick shower and washed her brown and purple locks. As she was getting ready she was singing her song.

He's the tear in my heart, I'm alive! He's the tear in my heart.

She then put on her suit and boots. She carefully took out the vines she got at the nether and wrapped them around her horns. It turned out really cute. She still had some vines left over and made a flower crown, minus the flowers, and put it around her forehead.

She spun around. Her outfit was amazing. She had nothing against dresses, but she just felt more comfortable in a suit. She even wore one during Schlatt's presidency.

She checked her phone. It was almost 1:30. A half hour until the banquet. It was time to go. It made sense for the Eggpire to be there before the guests. It was their banquet. She walked out of her house and was on her way to the Egg room.

Marvi walked down the long, nether brick staircase and was greeted by Antfrost. He was wearing a red suit and black tie. He smiled "Well, hello Marvi! Glad you could make it! Your outfit is splendid!" It was Marvi's turn to smile "Awh thanks Ant! Your outfit is amazing too!" Ant lead her down the rest of the staircase. "Come on inside, there are still some preparations. The guests are going to be here any minute!"

Marvi looked around. The room was wonderful. What used to be an empty statue room taken over by the bloodvines is now a beautiful banquet hall with a table, a dance floor, the vines as decor, and of course, the Egg in its usual spot. The shroomlights were excellent lighting.

As she was walking on the walkway, she could see BadBoyHalo on the dancefloor by the DJ stand filling the refreshment bowls with water and punch and the chests with alcoholic beverages. He looked wonderful. Instead of his usual hoodie, he wore a gray suit with a red tie. His hood was down and soft black hair was shown. She just wanted to fluff it up, he was so cute. She never got to see his hair often because it was usually hidden in his hood.

Bad looked at Marvi and stopped what he was doing. He walked over to Marvi with a smile, his demon fangs showing. Bad said "Wow Marvi, you look fantastic! I especially like the vines around your horns!" This made Marvi turn a light shade of pink. "Awh, Bad! You look cool too! I never imagined you im a suit before." Bad laughed "Well, first time for everything!"

Soon, the guests were arriving. Niki, Sam, Foolish, George, Eret, HBomb, Fundy, Hannah, and finally, Puffy. Marvi was a little hesitant to speak to Puffy, but got the courage to. She said "Why, hello Puffy! Glad you could make it!" Puffy gave a warm smile, her brown and white hair pushed back. "Glad I could make it too! Everything looks so nice. I know we had our differences, but let's put those aside for today, okay?" Marvi nodded "Yeah, today is all about letting bygones be bygones and starting over. Let's just enjoy ourselves!"

"I'm glad we can agree on that!" Puffy said. She went over to talk to Niki, leaving Marvi by Bad again. "Just you wait Puffy." Marvi said under her breath "Just you wait."

Bad said "Everyone looks so nice." She agreed "I agree! Especially Eret! He is rocking that dress!" Bad chuckled. "Not as much as you rock that suit." That made her face warm up, which made Bad laugh even more.

Bad held out his hand "So, shall we dance? It is a banquet after all." Marvi took his hand with a smile. "I would love to, BadBoyHalo!" The did the waltz on the dance floor, everyone looking at them like they were the stars of the show. Sam said "They really are something." Puffy agreed "Yeah. I didn't know Marvi had a thing for Bad. Guess I was too busy thinking of doing what's right for her that I wasn't paying attention to her whereabouts before I bumped into her at Tommy's house."

After everyone danced for a bit, Ponk rang a bell. "The main course is ready everyone!" Everyone was excited and made their way to the long table. Marvi and the rest of the Eggpire sat at one end of the table while the guests sat at the other and the sides. Ponk brought out a big pot of soup and poured some into bowls. Puffy was happy "Did you make my shrimp cocktail?" Ponk nodded "I sure did Puffy!" He brought out a big platter of shrimp and put a cup of sauce in the middle for dipping. Everything looked delicious.

It was time for the grand speech. Bad tapped his glass gently with his fork, signaling for her and Bad to stand up.

Bad looked at her to start. "Everyone, Bad and I just want to say thank you all for coming. None of this would've have happened if it wasn't for all of you." She looked at Bad. "BadBoyHalo, you have changed my life when you convinced me to join this lovely Eggpire. I was in a dark place and you got me out of it. So thank you, and thank you to all for helping me! Bad, do you have anything to say before we dig into this delicious meal?"

Bad chuckled. "I sure do! Thank you, my dear!" He cleared his throat. "Again, thank you all for coming. I know we all had our ups and downs with the Egg, mostly downs. And we all just want to apologize and start over. Today is all about burying the hatchet and turning a new leaf. Does everyone agree with me?" Everyone was chattering and agreed.

Bad smiled "Good. I'm glad we can all agree on something. This will sure be a banquet that none of us will ever forget!" As he was talking, lava was pouring down, blocking the entrance to the room. Bad held up his glass "Now let us enjoy this banquet!" As he said his last words, the lava finished pouring down, trapping everyone inside the Egg room.

Prepare to die!


I know a lot of people like long chapters, but I may have to split the red banquet into two parts. I know, you are upset, but it will be worth the wait!

Also we are almost at 2k! WTF- Didn't we just hit 1k like a week ago?!?!

Anyways thank you so much! I didn't know a lot of people would like this cute and angsty story!

Bye for now!


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