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'this shit sucks'
i surveyed the white walls of the very large cafeteria that i am expected to spend my lunch period in and then looked down at my lunch tray, trying to make myself invisible.
'if only that was my quirk, maybe then i would have been able to escape'
i looked around at all the tables filled with groups of people laughing as they stuffed their faces with whatever was on the menu and shuddered.
'god this is just like those dumb high school movies'
i searched around for a place to sit but found nothing, apparently nobody wants to be seen around the weird "transfer student" that somehow weaseled his way into class 1a. huffing to myself, i threw my lunch in the trash and made my way to the bathrooms.
'this is what the main characters always do in those movies anyways. i'm just having my main character moment™️'
i opened one of the stalls and locked it behind me, sliding down the wall dramatically and sitting on the floor.
"why didn't i just choose prison" i sighed and put my head in my hands.
'this is hell'
i guess i shouldn't have expected anything else from the class of people who i literally traumatized a few days ago, but i thought we had gotten past that already. smh these dramatic ass bitches, the trauma builds character.
i am not even done with my first day and here i am fantasizing about my nice comfy bed and plain apartment walls. i really miss the quiet. after living with shigaraki's constant screeching i had grown attached to the calm and quiet atmosphere my small little apartment held. sure, i haven't decorated it because i literally have no money but god, it's so much better than living with them and their constant noise.
'how long can that peace last though?'
it's only been a few days since my liberation from shigaraki and he who shall not be named but i am already preparing for the worst.
'he's gonna come for you/burn down the school/kill all the students/hurt you/hurt them/hurt everyone'
my anxiety seemed to constantly be screaming these thoughts at me but i choose to simply ignore them for now. i mean there's no way he would come back for me, right? i played with the sleeves on my blazer and stared at the cracks on the ground, willing the tears away until i heard the bathroom door open. i sat there quietly for a while until i heard the intruder speak up.
"who's in there?"
i quickly attempted to compose myself, straightening out my uniform and wiping any tears from my eyes before i exited the stall i was in.
"oh, it's you."
i looked up and was met with a pair of ruby eyes glaring right into mine.
"heh, yeah....it's me." i replied awkwardly, not enjoying being caught while this vulnerable, especially by someone who clearly dislikes me.
"what the hell are you crying for, villain." he spits out the last word like a piece of old, flavorless gum.
i flinched at the name.
'heh. villain, he acts like he knows me.'
i huff out a breath in anger and push past him towards the sinks.
"just thought up another crime i'm gonna commit and started crying tears of joy at the idea of committing several felonies. why, you got a problem?" i reply sarcastically, masking my hurt.
he scoffs at me and goes to the sink next to me, washing his hands silently. i look over at him through the corner of my eye.
'he would be hot if he wasn't a complete ass'
i smiled a bit at the thought and dried my hands on my pants. i took one last glimpse of myself in the mirror, attempting to hide the fact that i just had a breakdown in the bathroom and pushed my way past him and into the busy hallway. looking down at the phone aizawa gave me, i saw that the bell was about to ring so i decided i might as well just go to my next class. just as i was about to make the journey to class i was yanked backwards by some unknown force. i quickly turned around, ready to attack when i noticed that it was the blonde again.
"what do you want blondie, i have to get to class" i looked up at him, mildly annoyed that he keeps bothering me.
"you left this in the bathroom, dumbass."
he holds my wallet in front of my face and my eyes widened. it's not like there's any money in there, but there is my new id and my apartment key so if i lost it aizawa would have been very pissed at me.
"wow, thanks blondie! are ya finally warming up to me?" i asked, wriggling my eyebrows at him.
"just take your stupid wallet dumbass! and the name's bakugou, not blondie!" he shoved the wallet into my hands as he caused a minor scene in the hall with all the yelling.
"hmmmmm i don't know, i think i like blondie better." i smiled up at him and skipped away before he could say anything else.
'maybe this school isn't that bad'
~~~~~~~~~ this chapter is so bad i am so sorry ajsjdhdhdhdhdh what do you guys think of the book so far?