✧ 𝘿(𝙨)𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙧 ✧

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After what happened with Moxxie occurred, I headed inside to the kitchen.
I saw Lin making dinner in the kitchen, so I decided to go and help her.

"Er, Lin?"
Lin turned around.
"Oh! (Y/N)! Hello! How are you? Do you need anything?"
She asked.
"Oh no! I'm quite fine. But, I actually wanted to help you with dinner. If that's ok with you of course!"
I said.

"Oh, you're just too kind! I mean, if you want to, I'd be happy with some help."
Lin walked over to another part of the counter.
"I have some vegetables I need chopping up. Think your up for it?"
She asked.

"Of course! I'll get started straight away."
I picked up a knife on the side and started chopping up some carrots.
I liked helping out! It made me feel...useful I guess.

"Howdy, Lin."
I turned around to see Striker at the doorframe of the kitchen.
"Surprise seein' you here, (Y/N).
He said.

I giggled.
"Same for you I guess!"

"I see you're helpin' out,"
He saw me chopping the vegetables.
"Well, I'm done skinnin' that hog. Might as well help too, if that's alright Lin."

"My stars, we have two amazing helpers now!"
Lin looked at me, then Striker happily.

"Well, I guess you can help (Y/N) with what she's doin'."
She suggested.

Striker walked over to me, picked up a knife and helped me out.

"So uh..."
I started.
"How was skinning that hog? I mean the shell was pretty hard."

"Well, it's a tough process, but when it gets done, you gotta nice piece o' meat for dinner."
He smiled at me.
I blushed lightly.

"You're blushin' an awful lot, aren't ya?"
He teased me.
"U-uh! No I'm not!"
I tried to get my way out of this, but he wasn't falling for it.

"Heh, whatever you say, sugar."
He continued on with helping,


"Lin! We finished everything!~"
I called out to Lin.
Me and Striker stood out of the way to show all the chopped vegetables.
"Well, Christ on a stick, you two did an amazing job!"
She exclaimed.
"Here, let me show you your rooms now."

Lin headed upstairs and me and Striker followed.

She showed us both our rooms, which, might I add, both looked cozy as fuck.

"Oh my god, Lin, the room looks lovely!"
I mean, who was gonna say it?

"Aw, you've just been too kind, (Y/N)! Here, I'll let you get comfortable. Striker, I'll show you your room. I redecorated it for you!"
Lin walked out, which Striker followed, and winked at me.

And thus, the blush returned.

Well, I might as well get comfy before dinner.
I went on my phone and started doing random shit on it.
What's dinner gonna be?


"Alright folks! Dinner's ready!"
Lin yelled.

I turned off my phone and headed downstairs.

Blitzø, Loona, Moxxie, Millie, Joe and Striker were already the table.
I took a seat next to Striker and Loona as, for some reason, it was the only one available.

"Hey (Y/N)! Finished jerkin' it upstairs?"
Blitzø joked.
I stared at him in embarrassment.

"Dear god sir, do you have to make everything so inappropriate?"
Moxxie looked at Blitzø angrily to which Blitzø just smirked.

"I was on my phone sir..."
I explained.

"Oh, suuuurrrre."

"Hey, don't listen to him. He's being an idiot again."
Loona reassured me.
I smiled back at her.

Lin came in with the dinner.

"Alrighty, imps! Dinner is served! Dig in!~"


Well, let me be clear when I say this, the dinner was fucking delicious.
It was like eating Heaven.
But then again, Heaven is shit, and that meal was not.

After dinner, I helped clean the dishes.
I noticed that Striker was making eye contact me quite a lot, but I paid no attention to it.
Ok maybe I did a little bit...

After that, I headed upstairs to my room, before I heard a rattle.
I turned around and guess who I saw.

Of course it was fucking Striker.
I mean not like that was a bad thing.

He laughed.
"Caught me red handed I guess."

He said.
"You thinkin' of entering the pain games tomorrow?

I thought about it.
"Well I mean, I'm not one hundred percent sure.
I'm not saying I don't want to, I'm just still thinking about it."

"Don't worry about it," he said. "The way you slaughtered that hell hog tells me you've got more fight in you than that little dude. Moxxie, right?"

"Heh, yeah. Alright, I'm gonna enter. I'm feelin' like it."
I said.

"You made a good choice, darling."
He said.

And again, I blushed.
"Y-yeah! I'm totally gonna win! A-and when I do I'm gonna!-"

I was cut off when Striker pinned me against the wall.
Hear me when I say, I blushed hard.

"You're gonna do what?~"
He asked, flirtatiously.

Confidence snapped back into me.
Fuck you shy persona.

"I'm gonna do this."
And without even thinking, I held his chin, and kissed him.
For a good 5 seconds at most.

I was surprised, and I think he was too.
I pulled away and smirked as I headed to my room, giving him one more look to let him know it's on.

Once I got in my room, I buried my head into my bed.
Why the fuck did I do that!?
Why did I try to act all cool and all when really I'm just a
fucking embarrassment!?

I sighed, flipped over and lied down, facing the ceiling.
No, (Y/N). You did what you felt was right.
You're not an embarrassment.

I smiled to myself, closed my eyes, and blushed myself to sleep.

~Darling~ (Helluva Boss Striker x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now