✮ 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣' 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 ✮

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After the Churros with Loona, we talked for a while about all sorts of things. Work, music, and somebody in particular~
"Wait so...you guys haven't fucked yet?"

"Loona! Sssshhhh!" I hit her playfully as she laughed.

"Hey man, I'm just curious."

"Well, it's a long and complicated answer, but the short answer it no."
I said, copying what Blitzø said earlier.

"Oh for fucks sake, you sound like my dad."
She laughed but then her smile turned to a serious face.
I wasn't sure what she was talking about but when I took in what she said, I looked at her and smiled.

"Oh my god, Loona! You just called Blitzø your dad!"

"S-shut up!"
She nudged me in the arm, knocking the churro in her hand on the ground.

"Aw, shit."
She looked angrily.
"Well, it ain't dirty."
She picked it up and chomped on it.
I looked surprisingly at her, but continued on with eating.

"So...what made you like Striker in the first place?"
She asked, the sugar from her churro falling as she pointed it in my direction.

"Well, I'm not really sure, he just, stood out I guess."
I explained.
"His voice, his charisma, his accent..."
I went on obsessing over him as Loona stared at me in a concerned way.
"...his eyes, oh his eyes, uh-"
I noticed how Loona stared at me.
I snapped back to reality.

"Oh dear fuck, I'm sorry."
I hid my face in embarrassment.

She put a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, it's ok dude. I had a little crush too, and I guess I sorta acted like that too...hehe."

"Ooh, Loona had a crush!~"
I teased her.

"Shut the fuck up, dude."
She said jokingly.

"Hey, should we get everyone and head back to the van? I'm pretty fuckin' cold."
She said.

"Yeah, we probably should."
I agreed.
"Oh yeah, I should probably get your number too if you're cool with that? Just in case, y'know?.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure, here."
She showed me her phone as I entered the digits.

"Thanks! Ok, I'll go get everyone else, meetcha there!"

Loona started towards the van as she and I waved.
I didn't have to look far to see Striker relaxing with his horse by the stage.
Everybody else had left.
It was just him.
Just him.

I ran up to him.
"Hey, Striker! I was lookin' for ya!"

"Hey, (Y/N)."
He said.
He patted the space next to him to signal me to sit down next to him, to which I did.

"So! Uh...I really liked the concert!"
I started with a compliment, because, well duh, his singing was amazing.

He laughed.
"You don't have to say that, it was just a little song I wrote."

"I know but...I really liked it."
I looked up at him and smiled.
He did back too.

"Well, I was gonna get the others so we could go home. Do you wanna come with or...?"
I asked.

"Oh yeah, I'll come home too."
He replied.

"Great! Ok one second-!"

I started towards to van, but Striker stopped me.

"Oh, uh, hehe. I meant, do you want to ride with me on ol' Bombproof?"
He directed his hand towards his horse.

"That's your horses name?"
I asked.
He nodded.

"That's a cool name! Alrighty, I'll come along with you."
I pulled out my phone to tell Loona what was doing, and she was cool with it.
I placed my phone back in my pocket and started towards the horse, but instead, Striker picked me up in a bridal style and placed me on his horse.
And take a wild guess for what came back.

That's right, the FUCKIN' BLUSHING.

He sat in front of me as I held onto his waist.
"Ready, darlin'?"

I replied, happily but sleepily.
I yawned.

"Aw, someone's tired."
He said.
"Let's get you home quickly."

He held onto the bridle and got the horse moving.
We were soon riding so fast and it was a lovely experience.
My eyes felt heavy, so I decided to get around ten seconds of shut eye.
When I opened my eyes again, the sunset in the distance looked beautiful.

I felt safe with Striker.
I felt like he could understand me, along with Loona.
I held onto his waist tighter.
We were going so fast I was afraid I was going to fall off.

"(Y/N), don't worry. I'll be here to save you. I swear on my life."
He reassured me.

I felt something.
Something nice in my heart.

I held on tighter.

"Thank you, Striker."


Heyo everyone! Apologies for this short chapter and sorry for the wait. I was unable to write because of school 🙄🙄
But again, thank you guys so much for reading! We've gotten 6k reads!!
Ily all 💕💕

~Darling~ (Helluva Boss Striker x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now