Chapter Two.

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Hi this chapter i was just listening to Diet Mountain Dew and 1949 on repeat whoops ://


Tilith's Pov

The sound of the waves crashing onto each other in the distance, the cool refreshing breeze pushing the sand to whip across my legs like miniature whips being cracked against my skin. I sighed out of frustration as I shut the notebook on itself, and gently threw it besides me on the blanket.

"Still no luck?" I hear Noah ask from behind me.

"Ahaha nothing at all, it's like I got a giant brain fart. No matter what topic or sentence I pick nothing seems to seem good enough ''I huff out of frustration, as I flop my head down looking up at the sky, admiring how the clouds seem to dance over each other.

"But before you get all inspirational and Ghandi on me, I know that it shouldn't be this hard and that 'I've got this'.  I'm just stressed. This paper is what could get me the acceptance letter that I need to get into Stanford University" i continue.

"You know they've got a 4% acceptance rate, i don't think they would want their future student using the words 'Giant brain fart'" he quotes me, the goofy smile he owns spread across his face.

"You're not helping" I laugh, giving him a pathetic excuse of a push as we joke.

"Why are you so stressed about this, you've still got months. Why not take a break, come back after you've reevaluated? Or just leave it last minute like this master procrastinator?" Noah gestures with his thumbs towards himself and wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I simply nod in agreement, maybe he's right I just need to take a step back and take another approach.

"So on that note Tilith, this means that you are now available to no longer be a buzzkill" Noah sings as he stands up, his hands engulfing around my ankle as he yanks my body across the sand.

"Noah, s-stop"!! I scream, as sand is flicked from his feet across my face and into my mouth, the bitter pieces involuntarily crunching under my teeth as I plead for him to let go, my hands trying to grasp something to stop me but leaving nothing but a pathetic trail behind.

"Take a deep breath" Noah laughed as he started pulling me into the shallow water, the waves engulfing over my head, slowly making his way deeper until I was able to use my arms to push myself up, yanking my ankle from his grip.

I gasp for air as my head resurfaces. My eyes burn from the mix of sunscreen and salt water, I lick my lips, making my throat dry and leaving me thirsty. I shot my eye towards Noah, where he stood laughing his heart out, gripping his side. "Oh Tilly, you're definitely not going to capture a boys heart while looking like a flopping fish, gasping and flailing around like that, that was a sight for sore eyes"

"Oh Noah I'm going to kill you" I yell as I poorly chase him through the water, hearing a group of laughter and cheering from the shore. I see Harvey and the other's amused looks across their faces as Jensen points in our direction.

"Just because I can't majestically glide through the water like you, doesn't mean this is over Noah. I will get revenge!" I howled out after him, breathless from the chase.

Giving up and out of breath, I headed back to the shore. Harvey stands there with a towel ready for me, giving a smile of gratitude while I take it and begin to dry myself off.

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