A moment in stardom chap 3

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"So you dont like what you heard?" Troy asked me

I sat down on the beige chair by his bed and shrugged

"I mean it was borrring, i like the up tempo music like the single you wrote Party's Poppin', now thats my jam!" I said getting a bit too excited.

Troy chuckled and shook his head looking at me with pleading eyes.

"If only you knew." he said

I gave him a confused look, what did he mean by that?

-End of Recap-

*Chapter 4*

Harmony's POV

I could'nt believe what I just heard coming out of Jess's mouth.

"Majesty I think it's time for us to go. " I said going towards the door

"No Harmony I wanna stay with Troy" she whined

I looked over to see his expression. I couldn't read it his face was just expressionless if that was even possible.

"let's go" I grabbed Majesty's hand and guided her towards the exit no looking back. At this point I just wanted to get out of the city and back to the suburbs where I'm comfortable.


" We share something so common

Still so rare, uncommon all

Never been here before

So high, we're still climbing

Even here inside these walls

Breaking each other's hearts

And we don't care cause we're so"

I groaned as I picked up my phone. Why did I even let Majesty choose the song for when ever she calls me when I knew it was going to be Troy Ocean

"What do you want Jess"

I said in a groggy voice not really wanting to be bothered

"Well good Morning to you too!"

I rolled my eyes

"Jess its 5 in the morning please tell me what up"

"Get ready I'll be over in 30!"

"Where are we going" I asked

"it's a surprise" she said in a hurry

"Jess I'm not in the mood to play gam---"

All of a sudden the line disconnected. I can't believe this girl hung up on me!

I slowely left my bed and took a quick 10 minyte shower. i pulled on some tight jeans and my juicy coutoure blue top that had a lace back. I finished off my outfit with blue ballet flats.

Happy with my choice in outfit I started off with my hair, Because I was still tired i decided to just brush it and put it up in a bun. I applied some lipgloss and tad bit of mascara on my short eye lashes. I was set,.


Majesty's POV

I pulled up at Harmony's place and honked, less than a mimute later she appeared looking all tired.  and drained of colour. 

"Hola chica! I said in my most enthusiastic voice

"Drive" is all she said

shrugging my shoulders i started the car and drove to our destination.

"Jess, why are there hundrends of screming girls?"

"About that, today we are going to Troy Ocean's autograph signing"  I said as fast as possible.


Harmonys scream almosty made me loose conttrol of the car

"Harmony what the heck, you could of made us crash!" I said paniking

""Turn the car around " She said through clenched teeth. I just ignored her and parked.

"Lets go." I said. She rolled her eyes but followed me.


Harmony's POV

So here I am, on a Saturday waititing on line with a bunch of screaming fans {incluiding Majesty} 

When it was finally our time after waiting for a couple hours there we were standing infront of Mr. Troy him self.

"OMG it's so great to see you again Troy, can you please signthis poster for me! It will be right on my  ceiling so that i can stare at you lips all night!" Jess said in one breath

Troy chuckled and signed it .

He looked up again and looked at me and said

"Hey Harm"

"Who's Harm? I asked

"You duh!" He said

"No it's just Harmony"

"If you say so Harm"

I rolled my eyes and walked down the line since Jess and I were the last people on line.

"Wait Harm you forgot your bag last night, come on let me catch it for you.

I nodded, I was about to tell Jess that I would be back but she was flirting with one of Troy's band mates.

I followed Troy back into the fammiliar dressing room/ his room

"Here you go, dont worry i didnt open it."

"Thank you" i said 

I was about to leave intill i felt my had being jerked back and I was in  Troy's embrace

"Girls like you are rare to find" and with that i felt lips coming to contact with mine

This was wrong i knew it was but why did it feel so right?

I kissed him back while wrapping my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. 


I turend around at the voice that i know so well. Majesty's." 

"Jess wait up" I shouted while chasing her out onto New York's busy streets. 

"Jess please here me out!" I said still chasing her 

she ran across the street

"Stop jess you gonna kill your self "

but that didnt stop me from chasing her

all of a sudden i saw a pair of bright lights on my face followed by a sharp pain 

then everything went black.

the only thing i heared was a male voice

"Harm how could you be so stupid!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2013 ⏰

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