十五 ;じゅうご | nan feng

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you had heard the whispers, about the ghost bridegroom. about the missing brides. about the blood curdling screams that echoed through the forest.

but what you hadn't heard about, was the fact that three men had appeared in your village. you heard the constant yelling between two young men and a soft spoked voice attempting to calm the both of them down.

but one voice pierced straight through them all. Xiao Ling. multiple thuds followed her yells along with the enraged voice of the one and only bastard of the village, Pengtou.

furrowing your brows, you placed a veil over your eyes and sprinted towards the girl. protectively standing Infront of her, hands flat out Infront of you, a martial arts pose you had learnt as a kid.

"don't you dare lay a finger on her again." You growled, eyeing Pengtou. He took a step back and looked at you with fear, but refused to back down.

"oh yeah? And what're you going to do about it, missy? With that prim and proper dress and that cowardly mask? You're too much of a pus-"

you let out a groan and slammed your hand against a pillar, but unknown to you, someone on the other side had done the same as well. wind blew furiously across the grassland on the village, leaving Pengtou astonished.

A split second later, your eyes darted to the person on the left. as your eyes had met, shocks travelled through and up your body instantly, making your orbs widen.

without getting a good look at the young man, you picked Xiao ling by her arms and walked away with her. Flustered and uncomfortable with the after shocks that coursed through you .

adrenaline rushed through your veins as you filled a tub with water, gently mixing it with soap. You poured water over Xiao Ling lightly and calmed her down. "Shhh xiao ling, don't cry, don't cry" you whispered, rubbing her shoulders gently. Sitting on the edge of the tub you gave her a hug.

Her wails died down into small sniffles as you dried her hair with a towel, rubbing it in all directions, then proceeding to comb it out.

all you could think about was that guy. Why did your body react that way? It felt as if something had formed between the two of you. something, that you couldn't explain.

as of now, Xiao Ling was dragging you to a small part of the temple, mumbling on about a man and makeup. She pushed open the double doors and shoved you forward by the hips.

"here! she...she can help you" Xiao Ling panted, hands now resting on her knees. You looked up, the man greeting you.

"I'm Xie Lian, this is Fu Yao...and-"

He was cut of by the young warrior standing next to him, dark black hair was tied up into a pony tail, his tall well trained frame covered with martial arts uniform, black obsidian gloves over his hands.

he took your hand and shook it, just like Xie Lian and Fu Yao had done.

"Nan Feng." he whispered, gently shaking your hand. he stepped back into place as Xie Lian spoke again.

"I trust that you've hear about the ghost bridegroom?" He questions, you nod slowly.

"we're going to need a favour.." he rubs the back of his neck nervously.


Xiao Ling pushed you out from behind the pillar, all giggly. red silk was what you were wearing, draped across your body, it had fit you perfectly, as did the makeup, naturally making your skin glow.

Nan Feng stood next to you, looking the other direction as the both you blushed furiously.

"Xiao Ling was right? You do look like a married couple!" Fu Yao laughed, waving his finger around.

Simultaneously, you both threw him a glare, still red as tomatoes.


Nan Feng guarded the carriage with the rest as you sat inside, fidgeting with your fingers. you heard something begin chanting. a song, 'new bride, new bride'

Nan Feng had heard you gasp, and peeked his head inside, "Is something wrong?"

you nodded slowly, not daring to move. Fu Yao shouted from outside, "The both of you better not be kissing!"

Nan Feng growled and yelled straight back, "Maybe we are, and what're you gonna do about it, huh?"

You reddened as he looked back, you spoke again, "it's here."


"Can someone explain to me why Xie Lian had to be the bride so last minute?!" You cursed, Xie Lian was now taking the clothes you were wearing, basically leaving you with nothing. He apologized over and over again to which you just waived your hands around dismissively.

"Oi Nan Feng, give her your clothes or something!" Fu Yao yelled.

You glanced up as a pair of clothes hit your face. Unblocking your vision, you saw a shirtless Nan Feng and his undershirt and a small belt like cloth to wrap around your waist and hair.

Throwing on the clothes quickly you took a stance next to him as a weird fog surrounded the four of you. Zombie looking things approached and everyone had sensed this.

But as Nan Feng had stepped forward to use his sword, none of his power had worked. And oddly enough, you couldn't either.

He looked at you, and you looked at him.

"Is it just me or....?" He mumbled.

You perked up, "The shock. The adrenaline. And now this." You thought, hurriedly, as the zombies approached.

"THINK OF SOMETHING, QUICK" Fu Yao screamed, using his sword as fast as he could.

"Nan Feng. Kiss me." You stated, eyes glaring into his.

"And you say that now?" He rolls his eyes, picking you up, his lips instantly meet yours, moving in sync.

His tongue danced across your lip, exploring your mouth without the slightest bit of hesitation. His gloved fingers held your waist tightly, as the both of you broke air.

Shocks ignited through your body once again. And a strike of lightning encased the two of you.

Fu Yao let out a yelp and jumped at the sight, "AND ALL OF THIS FROM A SINGLE KISS?! HURRY UP YOU TWO!"

the flash stopped abruptly and Nan Feng placed you down. you felt the power coursing through your veins, it was almost as if he had completed you.

He bent down, pressing a single kiss to your collarbone.

"we'll continue this in the bedroom later, yeah?"

"274" you replied, and he smirked, knowing exactly what it was.

pov ; you're on your kneesWhere stories live. Discover now