✝ Twin ✝

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Me: Is that your car?

Deckard: Yes. Want to take a closer look?

Me: Nah.

Deckard: Alright.

Me: I want to touch it.

Deckard: Go on.

He throw the keys at me as I ran like a child to the car. The door opened upward. I was jumping like a baby everywhere. To be honest sometime I do feel like I'm a child in an adult.

Deckard: A drift down.

Me: Fine.

I closed the door and took speed so that I can actually drift. Everyone stepped aside letting me take enough speed. So I drift down. Then I decided to do a turn back and forth. But as soon as I took the first door I saw the car again Black customize Nissan. I quickly tap on the last number as he quickly answer.

Lucifer: Calling while driving doesn't work.

Me: Put the fucking phone on loud speaker.

Lucifer: Fine.

Dom: How's--

Me: He is right behind me. I don't know what to do.

Kaila: Drive away and lose him.

Me: But we can also get him.

Kaila: Yeah but right now you are not a cop

Me: I know this.

Letty: Drive him around the starter line. We will reach you there

Me: Deckard I hope this car drive fast.

Deckard: Try it. I'm getting your car there.

Me: Yup. Need to hang your that guy has 4 engine I think. Damn that's bitch fast.

Dom: Don't hang up.

Lucifer: You'll be in different cars.

Me: Just them to the call you dumb ass

Lucifer: Don't need to be rude.

Letty: Okay so where are you right now.

Me: I'm near Lux.

Luke: Did you just took the long way?

Me: I want to make him think I'm going to be alone and helpless there.

Omiliana: Okay we are on our way there.

Me: How many are you?

Isaac: Everyone is coming.

Me: Did you--

Isaac: We won't let you down. They are closer there. They will be set there. Far but set.

Me: No killing.

Isaac: No killing.

I wanted to speed up a bit but damn it was like going to three hundred kilometers per hour. And I didn't change speed yet

Me: Woo-hoo

Deckard: Somebody just speed up.

Me: Still love Dom car tho. But damn... I want that one too. I'll beat Roman and Tej with that.

Tej: Even with a bicycle you will beat him up.

Roman: Can you both stop with me?

Luke: Where is he Mailia?

Me: I don't know I can't... Whatever he is next to me but his windows are tint.

Lucifer: Just speed up directly to the starter line.

{On Hold}Devil lord ~long live evil~ Lucifer ffWhere stories live. Discover now