✝Sister got a girl✝

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I get up to dust the clothes. I hold my sister's hand helping her to get up.

Me: It's good, you are calm. Are you ok? Is everything okay?

Kaila: Yeah good.

Me: Thanks for the clothes hmm ...

Maze: Mazikeen but you can call me Maze.

Me: Thank you Maze. I like your dressing taste.

Maze: Thanks.

Kaila: Yeah, it's normal that you like her dressing taste. Your taste is same.

Maze: How does it taste the same?

Kaila: Red, black and very few other colors.

Maze: Well, well. We can be very good friends.

Lucifer: Huh?!?!

Maze: F.R.I.E.N.D.S Friends

Lucifer: I understood. But I'm sure your girlfriend and I can be good friends.

Me: Okay. Dad called?

Kaila: He's on a special mission, he won't be back home 2 weeks I think.

Me: Are you kidding. But I would be home alone most of the time.

Kaila: I would be there.

Me: Next Sunday you will return to your job.

Lucifer: Well you can stay here if you want.

Maze: Or I can come to your house.

Kaila: Or you can call the others.

Me: They have a job often.

Kaila: I think Naomi, Célesta and Omiliana are free.

Me: Yes I can count on Omiliana but not Celesta or Naomi. Slobbery kisses on the phone.

Kaila: You see you have Omiliana, Maze and ....

Lucifer: Lucifer.

Kaila: Luci ... Wait what. What a strange name. Okay, I'm calling you Lucy.

Lucifer: I'm not a girl.

Kaila: Against the scales. You have Lucy. You will not be alone.

Me: Yeah. Well.

Kaila: Stop complaining now. You are a real box to complain about.

Me: Not even true. How did you meet?

Kaila: You know in the crowd of zombies. And you?

Me: At the bar behind the crowd of zombies. I think we should go home.

Lucifer: You can stay.

Me: I have a job tomorrow.

Kaila: I wouldn't be at home.

Me: But you're annoying.

I took my phone and called Omiliana. She also picks up the call early.

Omiliana: I'm coming to stay with you. Naomi and Samuel are at home and damn I would like an isolated house. A soundproof house.

{On Hold}Devil lord ~long live evil~ Lucifer ffWhere stories live. Discover now