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Oliver Queen sat on a boat headed for the mainland of China waiting to see his mother and sister again. He was ready to when there was a flash of light and he was gone. Along with Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Moira Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak, Sara and Laurel and Quinten Lance.
Barry Allen was working in his lab on a case with Joe in Central City, when there was a flash and they were gone. Along with Iris West, Cisco Ramon, Ronnie Raymond, Caitlin Snow, Leonard Snart, Lisa Snart, Mick Rory, and Captain Singh.
Kara was chilling at home with her sister Alex in National City , when in a flash they were gone. Along with Cat Grant, James Olsen, Winn Schott, J'onn J'onzz, Maggie Sawyer, Lena Luthor, Clark Kent, and Lois Lane.
Everyone starts to wake up and realizes that they are not where they were.

"What happened"

"Where are we"

"Calm down" a voice said. Everyone turned to see a man in T-shirt that had lightning on it with shorts. "You have nothing to fear you are all safe."

"Why are we here?" Joe asked.

"To watch the future." the man said.

"How is that possible?" Singh asked.

"You would not understand how."the man said.

"Who are you?" Kara asked.

"My name is RYAN." The man now known as Ryan said. "Now  why don't introduce yourselves to each other."

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