Father and Son

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Eobard: Well if it isn't my son. Finally decided to visit.

Ethan: Yeah. So what? Doesn't mean I'm joining you.

Eobard: I'm glad came to visit, as I only have 3 days before my time is up.

"What does he mean?" Joe asked.

"Eobard Thawne is serving a death sentence for mass murder. And yes Barry the list includes your mother." Ryan said.

Barry sighed in relief that the man that murdered his mom is paying for his crimes.

[Eobard walked towards the glass. He put his hand on the glass.]

Eobard: I heard Allen and his dad used to do this when he was in prison.

Ethan: You think just because I am your son that We're close. You have another thing coming.

Eobard: Really. Your holding a grudge against me. That's not very heroic.

Ethan: Why should I care that your here. Stuck in prison on death row. When you left me as a baby.

"Oh so he's a dead beat, huh?" Snart asked.

"Yep. Pretty much." Ryan said. "His wife was a villain from Gotham. She was a crazy mass murderer and at that moment she is currently in Arkham asylum."

Eobard: No I left your mother. Mmn she's not the easiest person to get along with.

Ethan: Ya think.

Eobard: See we have something in common. We both hate your mother.

Ethan: No, I don't hate my mother. She may be an evil lunatic but at least she stuck around.

Eobard: Oh, boo hoo. Wake up and smell the stink. I used to be the fastest speedster. Now I'm stuck in this cell with 2 days till I die. I see that clock tick every day knowing I only have so much time. I have nothing now.

Ethan: Really. Because for 13 years I had nothing. Now I have friends, family, a girlfriend.

Eobard: Let me guess, Allen's kid.

Ethan. So, you can't do shit about it.

Eobard: I'm proud of you kid.

[Ethan was shocked by this. His deadbeat father said he was proud.]

Ethan: Who do you think you are? Do you think you can just say something like that? You don't  just get to do that. I don't even know why I came.

[Ethan ran out of the room and back to S.T.A.R Labs. Eobard just smiled and turned around.]


Sorry for the hiatus but, I had really bad writers block and school just started. Updates will be slowing down but I will continue to update.

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