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    The Royal Palace was horde up by the people of the Main city. They set foot in the Royal Palace, all their eyes lifted to him and the ministers of four groups greeted him with a loud cheer. But he didn't know that all people from discrete groups were convoked for him to inaugurate as a more potentate in the Main city.

    He became Prince but not enthroned due to the age capability. After he came to power, he asked a high general of Royal Palace "could I invite my friend, Mittu here?"

   An upper body of human and the bottom with the legs of a horse. Dalis, a minister of Zodiac Aster. He was accorded for him to expound about the Main city. The Minister of the Royal Palace told that he would assist you for every matter, you ask him to invite your friend here. He asked Dalis to bring his friend Mittu to the Royal Palace. Dalis ordered a sub minister in zodiac Aster; Aquarius to bring his friend Mittu here. She split the water into drops by conjuration. The water drops formed in the oval shape. It was a magical marine oval screen and it showed a Mittu in Greenwoods on Phenicks Fenestrio. It was seated at the lunch table. Aquarius with the waterfall in the place of hair and wore water as a gown.

   She sent a tiny cylinder water drop map into the marine screen. The map felt at the lunch table; Mittu was amazed at its formation. He just touched it and it automatically opened.

  "Welcome, Mittu to the Main city" by Critil Jack and little Prince had written in a dark blue with the water back screen. He guessed at the way the map reached him. He couldn't believe it, he contemplated that was his imagination. He again opened the cylinder map and read the sentence word by word. The words had dissipated after he read and a big Boat on the sea appeared in the map. A force in the map made him got inside the Boat in the map. The map was emerged out of the oval marine screen and the map moved towards her in a horizontal. She just made a cyclone into the water. The Boat in the map, where Mittu was inside. It bawled in the macabre because the Boat was moved towards the cyclone. A spiral helix appeared in the plafond above them. The map showed Mittu, got into the cyclone but he plunged out of the spiral helix. Little Prince scurried towards the spiral and Mittu was plunged from plafond but Little Prince caught him.

   They both were beamed for the present of Mittu. Jack said," Thank you! Aquarius." Dalis ordered her to leave out of here. She just vanished into the water. Little Prince told Mittu i.e., Jack became more potentate in Main city. Mittu was elated and embraced them.

  Jack asked Dalis with befuddled, "Why did you designate me as your price? Dalis said that once in twenty-six years, they had an ideology of asking any one question to "crystal ball" which was at the top of the dome in the Royal Palace. They had been cursed that they had to forget about the king and queen. Mysteriously, they had vanished at one night with them the employees, the ministers and also some people had also vanished on that night. Never a one knows, what took place on that night. Curse made them to forget the face of queen, king, and also the Omicrish, he was the father to Omicrown. After the curse his generation had a filled carapace and became blind after that night".

  After the curse, the kingdom was tolerated by the battles, it was between the four cities to vanquish the Royal Palace. After some years passed, it was the twenty- sixth year, which was after the eleventh year of the curse and that time was came to ask a question to crystal ball. "All the people mustered up together but excluding Omicrown. The minister of Royal Palace asked the crystal ball. "Who would be got us rid out from the curse?" The ball manifested the Royal symbol and told "A boy with this symbol would make the city clear from the curse and also he would be your king". All the people in the Main city were anticipated for the boy with the royal symbol.

  Dalis wanted, Jack to know about the Main city. So, he commenced with the Royal Palace. They went to the fifth apartment. In which 'six doors' were there. The six doors were in dissimilar colors and were carved with wood and metal statues in distinguish forms. The ruby and gloomy doors were belonged to Royal palace, topaz door was belonged to Tanvas vembster, Amethyst door was belonged to Lambersdown, emerald door was belonged to Omicrown and the sapphire door was belonged to zodiac Aster.

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