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    Every space had a glamorous spot, especially in the Main city. In main city, the thrilling forest. However, only the center part of the forest was alone green. People were petrified to get into the forest because there were many speaking tree and moving mountain. Many people hadn't returned yet. So, people thought it was all because of these trees and mountain. While walking into the thrill forest, they had to cross many menacing. Magic would never work out here. This forest were surrounded by evils and bad vibes. They could only went by walk alone. Aircrafts and vehicles couldn't enter into the forest. If they entered into it with the machines and vehicles, it would become powerless.

   In the center of the forest, there was a shield which protects them from evils, after reached the center the shield started to protect them. There was a special opening between the trees, almost as though they were inviting them to go into this magical center spot.

   When they stepped through the trees, all they could saw was a bright green. The whole ground was covered with the grass which was long and bright green. It would be like a freshness given to their eyes. There was an antique machinery for good water flowing; wooden waterwheel but it was not covered by the moss. There was a beautiful cave. Then the huge statue of "Mother nature" caught the attention. When they went inside a cave there they saw one big tree with thick leaves, many fireflies were roaming around the trees and there were radiant grass that radiated in blue, circumambient the tree.

  Then they started to notice the light. It filtered through the outstretching tree branches in the Tit tree. The light gave everything a constantly moving effect, as though nothing was ever stood still while looking at that light, then they noticed that the branches over-head of the tree were very close together and were seemed to be woven together almost like fabric. The branches from huge beauty over the top of the magical Tit tree.

   After noticed the branches, they began to see around the cave. They heard the sound of the forest. First, in the silence, they heard the wind whispering through the trees. This was also when they noticed the slight freeze on their cheeks. The leaves rusted against each other, created a calmed sound. Then, they began to hear the sounds in the background. They could hear the water floating sound. Jack patted the Tit-Tree trunk. A miracle, it opened its eyes, it woke up from its deep slumber; said "Welcome Critil Jack, I am waiting for you for years". Jack was thunderbolt, his eyes lit up with delirious and his face became suffused with a sudden glow of gleeful and asked him, "How did you know my name?" The magical Tit-Tree replied, "I know the whole shooting match about you, Jack". Then Jack asked him about the curse.

   A tree told that once upon a time, there was a good friendship between the ascendancy of the kingdom. It was pomp at the palace that was the enjoyment of twenty-sixth birthday to the King, Muubin Leonet Henry. A whole palace was charged with contentment. An old wizard got into the congregation of the palace and got acquiescence to go to 'Wizard Jamboree.' He was invited as an honored chief guest. This was an exhibit for granting the pre-eminent wizard. The king was so delighted so; he sent off him with the precious stone, money and with foods.

  Some days passed. It was night. His wife was tolerated by the pain. All doctors from divergent wives were called for treatment but nugatory. The kingdom was in a state of bewilderment. At last, an older minister tortoise, whose name was Omicrish, having a free shell, had come to the king and said, " I saw an old wizard son, did conjuration by keeping a painting of the queen and the suffer of the queen must be arrived from him". But it was not cakewalk for the king to presume. So, the old minister tortoise who was Omicrish brought him to the casement of the old wizard son's room. It was accurate, which the old tortoise said. He was in vexation and attempted to slaughter him but Omicrish ceased him.

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